Help! I need a suggestion for a good white clem

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

I am looking for a vigorous white that will flower well for me in this northern climate. Some of the options I have from my supplier are:

Alabast, Claire de Lune, Dawn, Gillian Blade, Henryi, Huldine, Hyde Hall, Ice Blue, Lemon Chiffon, Marie Boisselot, Mrs George Jackson, and Wada's Primrose.

I have a huge honeysuckle that blooms with the traditional orange flower. I would like to companion plant a clem very near it that will not clash. I also need it to be a strong/tall grower. This is in an area that gets a lot of light but little direct (beating) late afternoon/evening sun.


Delaware, OH

for mid sesaon white blooms add alba luxurians to the list. what time of year do you want the blooms?

many of those listed are very early bloomers and take years to establish such as gillian, alabast (one of my favorites, but does not like the coldest winters i have here in zone 5b much), claire de lune can take 5 years to give a good show...
marie boisellot and m le coultre are good perfromers for me for a large flowered white, mid season.

in your climate henryii should do well, blooming later and longer than for some of us.
will leave other more detailed feedback to those experiecned with your zone 4 a, dawn in canada in particular may have some good insights.

good luck. sounds pretty with honeysuckle. if you are not stuck on white consider vitacella little nell, pastel vs white but a lot of bloom and a lot of vigor faster than those you are mentioning. put a little nell in and then some of the other ones that take longer also to the front of the little nell. also entel, almost white such a pale pink and establishes easily....

Delaware, OH

hope you are growing guernsey cream... a must for your zone and whites....will bloom later for you i think too ...

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

I have ordered Little Nell from Debbie's sale. She is out of the G. Cream I think. I will keep an eye out for it from other sources. I have ordered Miss Bateman from my other supplier.
I am not sure I am married to a bloom time. Maybe I should plant 2 that have different bloom times? I just don't not want anything that would clash with the orange bloom of the honeysuckle. (though it is not like it blooms the whole summer) I have waited for years for this monster honeysuckle to reach its glory, so I guess I can be patient for clems...if I have to. Glad to know that Little Nell will take off. It is the only orange plant on the property. LOL I dislike orange! However, once it was in and established, I just didn't have the heart to take it out!

(Zone 4a)

The only white one I have is John Huxtable but I only put it in last spring. It is a group 3. It flowered so much for me last year too! This year it has great growth on it so far even after having been ripped to shreds by the hail came back strong....still no flowers yet.....

Appleton, WI

Between you and the description on the SSV website, JH has moved to the top of my list.

Delaware, OH

i think you made a good choice with litttle nell and the colors will be good if they bloom at sometime. little nell blends well.

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