Advice from my "experts", please.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8b)

A local nursery has the following clems for $17.00. I am not familiar with them and I believe Debbie at SSV does not carry these. Do you recommend any of the following?
First Lady, Juuli, Warwick Rose, Rahvarinne, konigskina, aljonushka, Pope Paul II. Thank you for any advice. Mary

Appleton, WI

Aloinushka is considered by many to be the best of the integrifolias. I think I'd scream out loud if I saw that one locally, and I might even get teary eyed from all the excitement. lol. It's not a climber, but it can be tied to a support, corralled with a peony hoop or something similar or allowed to grow up into shrubs or left to scramble on the ground.

Juuli is an integrifolia too. I would grab that one in a heartbeat. It is a profuse bloomer.

Rahvarinne is from the Kivistik Collection. I don't have it, but I am incredibly envious that it is available to you locally. I wouldn't pass on that one if I saw it.

Warwickshire Rose is a Montana and it will get huge, so you will need something large, like a tree, for support. I can't grow Montanas, but it's very pretty.

Konigskind aka Climador is a hardy clematis. Group 2.

I don't know anything about The First Lady. It's a group 2 so if you get this one, I would not put it in a prime location until you saw how it performed in your garden.

John Paul II aka Jan Pawel II. It can be treated as a group 2 or 3. It's best if grown in part shade or grown through a shrub with dark leaves. Hardy and vigorous.

Delaware, OH

for me in my zone for the ones i grow only i will comment
pope jp 11 is hardy, but has on and off years likes shade and looks better in shade. on a good year,many pale pastel blooms. blooms do not last as long as some clems. rain hard on them.
aloinushka will take time to establish, but is a good bloomer after a few years, nice pink. good clem to have, but don't expect much first year or two.

juuli new here, have posted her pic on hardwick hallmore summer blooms thread two times. bery pretty blue with a big boss in the center for the size of the bloom.mine is grabbing and establishing very very well

konigkind hard to establish, but if you are collecting you will want to get it.

grow aloinushka mid border with support like an obeliesk, too tall for peony type perennial thing,juuli shorter, do front of border with small fence or the peopny type thing to support would be ok.
pop up thru trees in semi shade or on tall arch if ther is a shady side. in strong sun the blooms only last a short time and fade out to a blah white. last longer and look better with the shade. mine frequesntly look like a pale apricot or warm beigey blush upon opening.
the others on the list are unknown. if the gallons are well rooted, as in you can see roots at bottom (you can also tell by relative weight of the gallon as roots weigh less than soil even after watering in the gallon. very heavy gallon not so many roots, lighter, more roots. anyway, if the gallons are well rooted and within your budget get them all. most of have more regrets about not getting clems later than regrets that we did!

i got a 19 dollar gallon at lowes yesterday of a clem called starburst. not even sure if it s a variety registered or something being tested. it will look like a reddish venosa violacea i think. gallon not too well rooted HEAVY with soil so will grow it for a couple of months and then plant....
have fun!

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