Wanted: Bulk amounts of good butterfly nectar seeds

Edinburg, TX

Am in need of bulk amounts of flower seeds that provide nectar for butterflies for the upcoming fall season -
common seeds like zinnias, monarda, cosmos, salvia, nicotania, cleome, purple coneflower, tithonia, milkweed, verbena, hollyhocks, asters, white clover etc.

I don't mind chaff as these seeds will be mixed up in big batch and sowed out at the ranch close to the house (where hopefully the deer won't graze). I had a nice showing of butterflies last year until the deer and feral hogs wiped out my hard work.

For big seeds like zinnias and purple coneflowers - a ziplock sandwich baggie of seeds or deadheads

For smaller seeds like salivia, clover and such - a small 2x3 baggie would be great

Am offering rare Yellow Morning Glory (Ipomoea ochracea) seeds in dozen packs (these are not sold in mail order catalogs)

Also have:

Mexican Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) - Thompson & Morgan sells these 10 seeds for $4.95

Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) seeds - Thompson & Morgan sells these 6 seeds/$4.95

Coral Bean aka Cherokee Bean (Erythricina herbacea) seeds

Green Shrimp Plant (Blechum browneii) - they are plants - they serve as the larval host for the Malachite Butterfly.

If anyone is interested let's work out a trade.

~ Cat

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Cat, is this a 'good' caterpillar?

Thumbnail by KayJones
Edinburg, TX

Can't quite tell by the fuzzy photo - but most furry or fuzzy caterpillars are worthless moths like webworms :o)

~ Cat

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Here's another shot.

Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

And another shot:

Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by KayJones
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

His under side.

Thumbnail by KayJones

I'd like to work a trade for the yellow morning glory and coral bean seed. I have seeds now of bright RED, Hot Pink, and Light pink Hollyhock. I have white Bee Balm blooming now-smells like lemons, BUT never caught seeds from it before-you would have to tell me how. Have nicotinia blooming now-pink, white and red. I have lots of Large purple columbine and other flowers making seeds right now. Spearmint is blooming and black eyed susans, marigolds and phlox in different colors. Pentas pink, white, red, and lavender. Sun flowers. Any of these sound good?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Cat, it has been identified as a walnut caterpillar - they also feed on pecan trees, of which I have a huge one.

Edinburg, TX

I googled walnut caterpillar and read the following:


The walnut caterpillar is a serious threat to pecan, hickory and walnut trees. It also endangers oak, willow, honey locust and certain woody shrubs. The caterpillars develop in large clusters and rapidly defoliate ornamental and orchard trees if not controlled. Spraying with insecticides is the best control measure. To avoid as much damage as possible, spray the caterpillars when they are still young.

Not a bad looking moth but a mass of caterpillars look like they can weaken a tree. EEEK!!!

Mekos - everything but the marigolds and black eyed susans sound good. Do you have bulk amounts available?

~ Cat

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Cat - there is no controlling these cats - there are HUNDREDS of them!

Well, I just finished clipping a baggie full of the hollyhocks seed pods. It filled the sandwitch bag. The pods are mixed from the red, hot pink and pastel frilled pink colors. I put some of each to fill the baggie full. How's that?

Belton, TX

I have native coneflowers, rubeckia hirta, and lots of mixed zinna...more than baggies full...I'll PM. MaryAnn

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