What happened to my Pittosporum Tobira?

Lincoln, CA(Zone 9b)

My Pittosporum Tobira is about three years old and has been looking great this year...until this last week. Nothing has changed in watering or fertilizing. Our weather has gone over 100°F for a few days and is now down in the 90's.

Thumbnail by greatswede
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Could it have been watered when very hot & sunny? Is it in a place where the exhaust of a vehicle could have got it?

Lincoln, CA(Zone 9b)

The water is by drip irrigation. The location is the side yard at the corner of two wood fences. It is far away from car exhaust. It doesn't get overhead watering by hose.

The other side of the fence, the neighbor has a rock ground cover.

It was getting full western sun but my Rose of Sharon is now about 12 foot tall and gives late afternoon shade for this plant. It seems to be getting the ideal amount of sunlight.

Thumbnail by greatswede
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

It's like sun scorch. Could it have gone too dry during the hot spell?

Lincoln, CA(Zone 9b)

growin...you could be right, but my drip system is on a timer and waters for 30 minutes every third day. The plant has two drippers, each 2 gph. Half an hour for 2 gph makes 2 gallons per day every three days, or 20 gallons per month.

We do have bad soil here. It's heavy clay with rocks. Here it's always a problem of too much or too little water.

You're a Canuck up in the great white north with lots of rain. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law live around the Burnaby area. We get regular weather reports from them. Down here I feel like a lizard on a hot rock!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

lol. I think your Pittosporum feels the same way. I'm thinking it was just a wee bit too hot & dry for it. I've seen it on plants that just can't take the heat/sun despite being well watered.

I grew up in Burnaby but dream of living in California. Typically we're not the "white north" but this past winter, which I bet you heard about, was far more snow and cold than usual.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Only other thing I can think of is if it got some herbicide overspray--anyone going crazy with the Roundup in that vicinity? Otherwise I'd go with the heat/sun theory as well.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

to me it looks like it got watered with a dog. : ))

See how the damage is one sided and specific?
PS People "watering" might have gotton onto it too> do you have
a visiting beer drinking male type person?
Sorry for the offensive post, but it does happen

Lincoln, CA(Zone 9b)

The Pittosporum Tobira is in a fenced-in yard and we do not have a dog. The community has a dog leash law anyway. Any dog would have to leap a 6 foot high fence and be able to hover about 5 foot above ground and do it's thing. I don't have any drinking male persons that would go out in this part of the yard (or any part for that matter) and "fertilize my plant". Not only that, they would have to stand on a step ladder to get the top of the plant.

I've come to the conclusion that it is getting too much sun. I have seen the sun on it from 9am to 7pm. It doesn't get the harsh western sun however. What surprises me is that in the past three years, this is the worst sun damage.

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