Wanna bet?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Had a new farrier out today - one of the "barefoot" guys. The good news, he thinks they're all pretty good to go without any problems. The bad news.... Mac barely let him trim his feet (although I've seen him worse) & because I had been lunging Lucas prior to the guy getting there, Lucas wasn't even talking to us at that point, so he didn't get done at all. So, I left him in the round pen by himself all day and Teddy and I went out and worked with him after dinner.

And worked.

And worked.

And we finally - first time without any trickery or force or treats - got him to halter up. It took *forever*, but I was so pleased.

Now, will you bet that he'll let me halter him again without all of that lunging? Or do you think it'll be something we'll have to keep working at?

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