Is there a link by any chance that names all Viticella's?

(Zone 4a)

I am researching now but can't seem to find any??

Appleton, WI

I should have mentioned that it isn't a complete list.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Would this work?

Delaware, OH

some great links here, thanks guys. love having these.

Delaware, OH

can some of these links be added to the stickey thread? they are so valuable, but i know the chances i will be able to find them when i want them are low. winter is when i do more of that kind of noodling around for information on the internet.

Appleton, WI

Here is a list from the UK. I'm sure some are not yet available in the US.

Delaware, OH

wont even look at all those yummy uk varieties, most of them are NOT available here and it breaks my spirit to even see the,......have been there and even contacted vendor in uk to see about shipping and they do not want to even try or tell you how to do it.
they have very yummie varieties. but maybe they feel that way about ours. i know they feel we have access to bigger and better plants than they do.....

Appleton, WI

I guess we all what what we can't have. There are more and more varieties every year moving across the pond.

Delaware, OH

so many new ones are from japan. and of course poland still amazing in contribution to clem varieties.....

Appleton, WI

I drool over some of the plants from Japan. I have a photo that I took from Garden Buddies. I think it was just a new, never seen before seedling that the breeder posted. It is the most beautiful clem I have ever seen. I should try to find the original post.

Have you seen Esperanto (Kivistik), yet? I want that one so bad.

Delaware, OH

no have not seen it,but love it based on the name alone. basically there is no new clem i do not have that i do not jump on if i know where to buy it.....collecting is like that. i took a break a couple of years from adding new varieties when i felt like i was not taking good enough care of them , but as long as things are in control and not garden is being neglected i add as i can find.

i challenge anyone growing clems that they do not have space for more. i believe everyone can double the number they have, including myself right now, without adding structures or opening new beds or areas. it is the think verticle mentality......or as deb fisher says, "look up not down"........
happy clemming

appreciate all your research and sharing on the forum here, very helpful and generous to those of us wanting to take advantage......

Appleton, WI

Here is one of the clem of my dreams. Sorry for the link, but it's worth a look.

Delaware, OH

love that clem.don't think it would be hardy for us, but could be wrong. love it.

i am going to start going on teh international clem society trips and see what that leads to as far as understanding how a new clem gets in to worldwide and US distribution. growing from seed exchanges is one way to get some intersesting clems. but i am not set up for that at this point. 2 years to small initial result.

Appleton, WI

Growing from seed is something I doubt I'll ever get into. Too much time is involved and building a greenhouse on my city lot isn't going to happen, either.

Delaware, OH

jj that clem is evergreen group/armandii type hardy to zone 7. i thought i recognized the shape of the sepals and some traits of the bit of of vine that shows. i looked it up in mary toomeys encyclopedia...did not see the exact one, but based on the appearance i believe that is what it is. so not hardy for me.
lovely tho.

Appleton, WI

I figured that might be the case as it looks similar to those that I cannot grow.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

JuliaJayne - Beautiful - looks like marzipan!

Appleton, WI

I agree, it doesn't look real.

Delaware, OH

if i gardened in a warmer zone that could take the evergreen group i would def specialize in those that were not hardy here. so many types in the evergreen, amrandii and montana groups......yummy clems.

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