Buddleja globosa on ebay

Merino, Australia

Thats very pretty Cestrum. I have a large (10') buddlea with similar flowers. Grew it from a cutting off a very large tree. Not sure if it is the same one, but I have only ever seen one yellow buddlea.. Montburg are very good for plants, i have had many from them.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Yes, Montburg's 100% rating on ebay is well deserved. I bought a Buddleja 'Gold', (which I assume is a Buddleja x weyeriana cultivar) from there last year:
It has only the slightest fragrance, virtually undetectable in summer here, but is very pretty.

Another yellow (really orange) one I'm trying to strike is the species B. madagascariensis:

I've just borrowed a book on buddlejas, and it has a photo of other weyeriana cultivars including 'Honeycomb', which has a lovely rich golden colour. I don't know how reliable the book is because it describes B. madagascariensis as being 'exquisitely fragrant', but the flowers on the parent plant of my cuttings smell like cat pee! (Confirmed by others who have smelt it.) The plant here could be a cutivar of B. madagascariensis or maybe seed-raised, with the natural variation that comes from that. I still want to grow it though, and the smell doesn't waft!

I'm going thru a buddleja phase now, as I've decided to replace two stands of (unproductive) bananas with buddlejas. I'm looking for a good named pink (or will be in summer, when the nurseries start stocking buddlejas). And a good summer-flowering white, to take over when the wonderful Spring Promise finishes.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2009 11:08 AM

Merino, Australia

This is a photo of mine Cestrum. I did not realise there were so many. I do like this one though. A bit different
It does not seem to lose its leaves as the others do and spot flowers all year. This was just taken today and there are scattered flowers over the tree.

Merino, Australia

Helps if I put the photo on .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
West of Brisbane, Australia

Jean, yours looks like a cultivar of Buddleja x weyeriana. which is a hybrid of B. davidii and B. globosa, rather than the species B. globosa itself. Very pretty ... I wonder if mine will get that big. It too has been spot-flowering thru winter and has retained its leaves. The fragrance, when I detect any at all, is fruity.

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