Looking for Aster Seeds

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Willing to trade for any kind of Aster seeds. Looking for late summer fall blooming tall plants for postage or trade. I have harvested red columbine seeds and double white hollyhock.

also have:
hardy hibiscus dinner plate size seeds-red
rose of sharon-white, purple , pink
elephant ear bulbs
Mullen pink-Rose champion-white, red
Lunaria, Money Plant
coleus cuttings- many different kinds-trailers too.


Thumbnail by jadajoy
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I have three asters, will post when I am not at work

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)


gieten, Netherlands

i have aster divaracus
if you want some please a d mail

North, TX

Just want to put a note here if you are interested

I have Heath Aster growing and will have seeds later in the fall if you want some I will make a NOTE to send you some then.

Let me know

Here's a pic, the flowers grow along the stems blooms in August.

Thumbnail by Allwild
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

My asters are in my have list, will collect in the fall , please damil me if you want any. Thanks.. Debra

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Bart--you have dmail

allwild818--Thanks! Do put me on your list.
Thanks debra--The fall will be fine.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I can send you some of these asters, they bloom all spring into winter.. they give me seeds all summer to spread around.. they come back every year where you plant them, a nice spreading to sprawling bush depending on where you plant them..

Thumbnail by joeswife

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