Plum Tree Infestation

Hudson, OH

We have discovered some very odd growths on our Plum Tree. My husband has cut most of them off but we don't know what they are or how to prevent them. This Plum Tree , which we've had for about 6 years seems to get everything from aphids to japanese beetles. These growths are new and appear to be woody inside. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thumbnail by cbwinters
Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

The disease you have is black knot. It's common on Prunus ( plumbs, cherrys etc.). I have provided a link to a Cornell University Cooperative Extension Factsheet that will explain the disease, it's transmission and possible treatments. It's usually a slow killer of Prunus trees.

Hudson, OH

Thank you for your information. The link you provided was very helpful. After checking the tree again, we opted to remove the tree. We are hopeful that nearby cherry trees will not become infected. Thanks again.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

You're welcome. Given the nature of the disease, and if you have cherry trees nearby that you want to keep healthy, removal sounds like the right strategy.

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