Beetles and Clematis

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

What is the deal about my Proteus clematis. These stinking beetles won't leave it alone.

What can I do folks, any suggestions.

At least all of mine are in the front so if I have to resort to chemicals I'm going to.

These are some pictures from this morning.


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

It just doesn't matter how many times I'm out there killing those darn things its no time before they are back. I've not gotten around to making up my spray with neem oil guess I'm gonna have to today.

Here is another shot.


edited to add that this damage to the leaf was done in one day, as this one was ok yesterday when we left and then this morning I get this nasty surprise.

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 11:08 AM

Thumbnail by meadowyck
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is another new bloom ready to open so I'm going to try the neem oil on it to see if I can protect it.

CG this is the one that I don't know if I should fertilize or not as it is still blooming just not as many it has really slowed down. I don't know if the slow down is a natural slow down for it or if it is from the beetles eating it up.

Suggestions about whether to just cut some back or just top dress along with my neem spraying.

thanks again all knowing clem authorities here... This newbie needs help.

edited for spelling

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 11:20 AM

Thumbnail by meadowyck
(Zone 4a)

Ewww those beetles sure looks gross....and what terrible damage they cause. I hope you are able to get rid of those suckers. I have never seen those beetles around here so I am sorry I am of no help to you.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Dawn for posting even if you are lucky enough to have to deal with this monsters...

I was going to do the milky what ever last year and then came down with health issues dealing with my sinuses and didn't get much work done in the yard for the rest of the season last year. So hence the massive infestation....


ps just went out a sprayed the clem so we will see in a hour if I find anymore on the plant.

Delaware, OH

wow i have never seen a jap beetle on a clem before. is there anything else for them to eat? have you used bayer 3 in one and tried to get rid of them? maybe there is something better for jap beetles, but the 3 in one is usually tolerated by clems and also helps with powdery mildew and fungal issues s well as mites and other bugs which there are a lot of in general here in this zone right now. as the weather warms up out of this unusual mild and cool weather we have had, it will get worse. so good time to use 3 in one anyway in general with the conditions right now.

i have some jap beetles on some shrubs right now, less than last year, as i put down milky spore this spring...i used 3 in one this morning on the shrubs they seem to hatch near and eat have to take action on these things. hope you don't have a bad infestation and can get them off the clems janet. last year i had a bad infestation on two kinds of shrubs only which led to the milky spore use this spring..and i am seeing far fewer right now which is what i expected as the milky spore may take other applications or time as i understand it.

again have never known them to eat on clems.
i would use 3 in one immediately and just get rid of the flowers to discourage the beetles away from the clem.
if they start eating on the leaves and stems of the clems that is a problem. the flowers are temporary anyway.
good luck.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh it is horrible, I went back out after spraying the water and neem mixture and waited for about 10 minutes it was covered with them so I've been enjoying killing them for being on my plants.

They are on everything, my neighbor just 2 doors down came over and her yard is worst than mine she said and she has used everything as she using chemicals and she said nothing has kept them off her pants.

Don know if she used bayer 3 have to ask and if not then out to the store I'll go.... which mean I have to take a shower and after a shower I don't like going back out side in the garden, let alone brush on collies...LOL


Appleton, WI

I feel for you, Janet, what a nightmare.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well the bloom in posting 3 is now destroyed by the beetles. I'm waiting till the bees are no were near as active to try using Bayer 3 on the clem.

Tear tear here all bloom have been removed from my sweet blooming clem. It looks like someone (me) cut its head off. another tear here..... This is my only one blooming this year, well I do have a new one that was planted last October but I'm getting ready to cut it back. Only one stem and it needs to not be blooming...


Delaware, OH

you'll get better plants from this bug trauma and your reaction janet. i know it. even dawn will get better plants form the pruning she had to do post hail.....they love to be pruned.....we just have blooms as the objective too often vs building a healthy plant...

by sept you will be celebrating your better plants...

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh I know but I was wonderful that this plant had survived me, as it was almost dead when I picked it up on the last stop before trash table at Walmart and for it to have bloomed last year and this year to give me such a wonderful showing....

I know cut for a better tomorrow...LOL


Delaware, OH

gardening is really only about the tomorrow, or next year.... but sometimes the current "be here now" when you are walking about or sitting vs doing chores is rewarding. the "be here now" is about doing the right thing for th plant and the future.
for me it is always a decision about "next year" that makes gardening tick. i like the "be here nows", even if i do nto get them till i am inside in the shower or looking at photos of today.

and it is a good mental practice when you are triaging form hail or jap beetles.....

New Matamoras, OH(Zone 6a)


Stop at a garden center and get a jap trap.... Wally World, Home depot or Lowes probably carry them.... They work fantastic.. I just put mine out , when I saw the first beetle... The only thing I've ever used on those boogers is sevin dust... I think you can still find it in those shaker cans... It's pretty safe and breaks down rather quickly.. Best time to put it on is early morning when there is still dew on the leaves... The Bayer 3 in 1 might do the trick also like CG suggested.. I've never used it for jap beetles before so not sure what it's going to do..Same with the neem oil... Be careful if your going to try the oil... That can burn the leaves out if your not careful...

I've noticed a few eating a bloom or two on some of the clematis here... I just show em the two finger trick.. Squish Squish!! I notice they go after the blooms and not so much the leaves...


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ya know if I had had things ready I could have done some cuttings off what I cut off.

I did however bring in the buds so I could enjoy them just a few more days....

It is funny to see the top of my little support which proved not to be enough this year as the clem had already started to double back on itself since it had no were to grow upwards, so back down it said...LOL


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


good to see you on this forum. I have already cut back the blooming clem that I picked up from you on Friday. Great roots on both of them. They are now planted in large planters as I'm not sure if/when we might be moving and I didn't want to distribute their roots anymore than I had to...

I was out every 10 minutes during the day taking great joy I might add in squishing them in my GLOVED hand, kinda made my neighbor sick... I told her that was my only satisfaction to them eating my plants...

She is putting out on of the beetle bags in her back yard, so I'm hoping they will leave my yard for you bag...LOL


Delaware, OH

good idea with the jap trap i will get one too , even tho i am not in a bad infestsation right now there are a few. but they love my willow shrubs so much they don't go for the clems.

years ago i did the cans of oil and beer and that is a gross mess i can tell you. this year i found a little jar of oil i had put out at least 12 years ago, under some wood chips and mulch about 6 inches of that and it was intact. there was still a bit of oil in the 2 inch high jar, but only a couple of insects in it. hard to believe it sat there that long intact.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

CG you better think first before you get those. Folks around me swear they attach more of them and once those things get full it is more gross than smashing them between your fingers....

my neighbor is putting one in the back yard so I'm hoping that means they will start to leave me alone....


Delaware, OH

i am not getting one based on that janet, it makes sense. an di have the milky spore down and am getting fewer, so why take the chance i would be attracting them...that would be BAD.

probably good choice for some, but i am holding on plan as is.
maybe i should buy one for my neighbor??????

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

the neighbor that you see when looking out your front door....teee heee , yes ask them to stake one for ya....

I'm bad girl this morning, that is what happens when I get up before my regular 7 am time...LOL


Delaware, OH

i'm bad too. should be working on client stuff and instead i am doodling around and thinking clem.

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