Great Seed Site

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

what do you seed experts say.........

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Haven't seen that one before .Does he ship worldwide and what about postage costs?

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

He has got some great stuff but..

On Dec. 12 2005 I received an E-mail stating that for the first time in 25 years of shipping
seeds of mine to the USA that 66% of a shipment was seized & destroyed because the shipment
did not have a Phytosanitary certificate. Although this is the first time this has happened
I want to make any USA potential customer or any potential customer from any other country that
practices restrictive seed importation policies
like the USA aware that any financial risk will rest
with you, if your shipment of seeds is not covered by a paid for phytosanitary certificate,valid
import licence etc. where required and is then destroyed or lost in the post while in transit to
your address.

Australian rules are far more restrictive than the USA - I suggest you get your ducks lined up with AQIS and ICON BEFORE you get too excited!

Ciao, KK.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

KK, thanks for the warning, I've checked what I want and so far some are permitted and some aren't permitted.... I've only just started doing this on cestrums good advise............

Does he ship worldwide and what about postage costs?

Yes he does ship world wide, at 3pounds.....

I'm taking my time and researching what I really want on here,they have some great African climbers.....Podranea Bryceri aka Queen of Sheba Vine and some great Ipomoea nil.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Ha Ha Mya, Great minds think alike...or something like that lol!!Would you believe I was only yesterday checking out this site and was looking at ordering the same Podranea (I have the other) I found this site a bit hard to navigate ...anyone else had that problem ?

West of Brisbane, Australia

I've come across that site every now and again when googling for a particular species, but have never thought of ordering from there. (Unattractive site? No pics? All in expensive pounds? I dunno, something ...)

Anyway, here's a new one--in Cleveland, Qld--I've just discovered. Seeds only, min. order of $25 (and 100 seeds or 25 grams):

Worth bookmarking, I think.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Have done a little more research on P. ricasoliana and it's counterpart P bryceri and some botanists view them as being the same species with slight variences in foliage etc...I may just hold back on ordering until I am sure there is a considerable difference.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes thanks cestrum,another for me to bookmark!lol

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Silverhills is fabulous - I got some of their seeds via a friend on DG in 2007 because he had more than he wanted to plant in his packets from them. Amongst others, I am currently growing on for their third year three species of dwarf South African Gladioli - G. arcuatus, G. uysiae & G. watermeyeri, and I am hoping for flowers next year - needless to say, I'll post pictures when I have them!

The other link IS interesting though, but I've sworn off buying seed for a couple of years, except for the usual veggies, because I've got way too much of it laying around unplanted. To make matters worse, a lot of my own plants are now of productive age, so for the present I've got more seed than I can handle. I learned my lesson in 2008 because I spent $$ on seed on Ebay and put in a lot of expensive special seed varieties that I lost when I had to move house because I couldn't look after them properly in all the moving chaos. SIGH!

At the moment I am up to my ears in planting Ixia seed - out of my 46 varieties, about 30 produced seed last year, in some cases I have more than a hundred seeds of a given type - each of which has the potential to be differrent from its mother parent because all my plants were open pollinated last year because of the house move - now THAT is scary, folks.

Ciao, KK.

I think they are the same or so close as to be twins ...the Americans reckon it's the same ...they call ours the Queen of Sheba too ...
Unless you know the site is a good one careful I have seen many things called different names and being the same thing or called something that is not what the picture portrays.
Example* Kiwi Fruit ...*Chinese Gooseberry ...*Actinidia Deliciosa.
We all know that this is the same thing but new gardeners may not can see how difficult it may be with really unusual or rare stuff (by the way what is considered rare somewhere may be a weed somewhere else.)
Be careful if you haven't delt with places before ...go through old threads and find people talking about the good ...the bad and the ugly.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

I know what you mean KK about too many seeds but sometimes you have to buy the seeds if you want that species and the nurseries don't have it....

Judy you are right about the 2 Podranea being very alike....

Hey, we're all typing at the same time........

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 1:59 AM

Grows like a weed here ...^_^ I like it.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Silverhill seeds are just fine. I agree a little hard to navigate at first. It helps if you have some idea of what you want and get the genus name and then you are off. Another place for South African seeds and bulbs is a small grower - Gordon Summerfield. He only does bulbs and seed. Will send a list of what he has if you email He has taught me quite a lot regarding the growing of winter rainfall bulbs. He is coming up to give a further talk to the bulb society to which I now belong. He is from Cape Town area and I am up on the highveld. Very different soil here and altitude and of course no rain in winter compared to the Cape.

Thanks K and for our shopper addicts ...this will keep you busy for a while ...^_^
It says bulbs but it is also seeds in most of them.

West of Brisbane, Australia

And then there's

I noticed that an ebay seller is offering fresh cocoa seeds, but for a few dollars more you can buy an actual plant from this seller--only in Dec. and Jan though. Also on offer are canangas, solandras (variegated), vanilla and pepper vines. Not cheap, but local.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Cestrum already checked out this site when I was Solandra hunting,months ago....good site,great plants on offer.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's another:
I haven't bought from them but they look interesting.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Maybe it would be good to have a sticky up the top where we could place our online nurseries for plants/seeds that we buy from.......

hi mya ...I think that 2nd sticky up the top is for that purpose anyone who has a great experience with some vendor can post up there

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Thanks Chrissy,I'll go and have a look......

and don't forget you can go to someone's home page to leave a comment about a person's swap experience ...just click on to feedback.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

have a look at the feedback i gave his business......he never gave me a chance to buy.......i'd cut off my fingers b4 i ever contacted him again....please check the aquis site b4 buying,...most climbers and succulants are out. jl hudson seedsmen in la honda california are recommended,,diannes seeds,,cascade bulb and seed.... yet more discussion amongst hybridisers today ,if you are really desperate for a seed,try your luck.this big[little] man charges big dollar,for being a middle man[really shop around]

This message was edited Dec 5, 2009 4:29 PM

This message was edited Dec 5, 2009 4:33 PM

This message was edited Dec 5, 2009 5:07 PM

This message was edited Dec 6, 2009 4:53 PM

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