The right thing to do?

(Zone 4a)

I have notice with the clematises I have plante this spring....they will grow long spindly vines and sort of slump over. I typically tend to prune these back....I figure it doesn't hurt the plant since they are trying to grow better roots. I have done this a few times...especially with MJC and Blue Angel and HF young and Rosemore. I am guessing it doesn't hurt the plant but I doubt I will see any blooms on these this year. Even though all the above were pruned when planted. What do you suggest when you see these long ones coming up but then not looking so strong?

Delaware, OH

a weak, small, spindly vine may bloom but will give a insipid, small and nothing bloom or two. why not concentrate on establishing a good plant? which would mean pinch backs, fertilizer and good garden habits until the plant is established.

creating a nice bushy plant is job one on the road to the clem displays you envision.

you may get some surprise blooming dawn, depending on the fall weather.

blooms usually not objective of first year with most clems or even two years with some clems.

(Zone 4a)

Good I am glad...that is what I figured too so now I know I am doing the right thing. It sure is hard to nip them off but I know it is worth it. I so wish that clematises would just give us instand gratification - I am not really good at the patience thing LOL.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Dawn: " not really good at the patience thing" Too funny you are. I know what ya mean, as I just cut back one of my Chalk Hill Clems that I planted last October. I had one vine coming up but it had 5 blooms and several more buds... So I brought the vine in to let the other buds bloom. Hoping that it will send up some more vines...


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