Clems dieing at base.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have had a few clems die at the base and work its way up. I am wondering can it be that I dont have their roots shaded enough . But that does not count for the one that gets only morning sun, its roots are very shaded and it died down then came back. One I have in a pot is doing just fine, right next to another planted in the ground that died at the bottom.

Delaware, OH

most darker color clems have die back at the bottom as you progress thru spring to summer. the darker the clem the more likely this is not because you do not have shrubs in front, but when you have shrubs you notice it less. i think it can come about and be worse form periods where moisture is inconsistent, heavy rains followed by dry periods too. the plant is focusing on the new growth and blooms and the older bottom growth has serviced it's purpose. if it is slight the leaves browned leaves can be picked off with you thumb nail and forefinger easily. after blooming if it is very unslightly you can prune the plant back if you want and it is a group 2 or 3.

what clems are you experiencing this with? i do find that i have less of it some years than other years and there are many variables. but not possible to grow clems and not have this happen as you go thru the summer. in summer, important to deep water from the ground and then let the plant dry a bit before you water again. keeping up watering important thru the whole growing season....

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I just wrote this on another posting, do you have a picture to post that shows the problem. I'm a picture motivated person. I learn best this way. LOL


Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I will get a picture today and post it.

Delaware, OH

here is the definitive, famous quote from deb fisher, the clem exert and owner of silver star vinery on this topic

when i was last at a lecture at chalk hill, which was about 3 years ago (before they closed the retail nursery), for the opening of the mary toomey display garden, i was relieved to see that many of their plants as they continued blooming and blooms were waning had brown underleaves and bottom was the most major clem garden i had ever seen in peak bloom and post bloom, and to see that it is indeed common and that one does not need to groom off all the brown leaves made me feel better. hope it makes you feel better too.
i pinch off brown leaves constantly as i water, as a habit, even while talking on the phone. it is easier to pinch than use a tool and less chance of a serious mistake chopping off a nice healthy piece of the plant (which i have done)

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Mary Toomey display garden, when I was looking around that sight for my order last year I saw that and then through web searches, so would love to see that in person, but then after seeing your botanical garden CG I'm thinking I'm not missing too much. Even if you don't think so your garden is a wonderful replace for those that can't go out west....


Delaware, OH

not sure the display garden is open to the public any more, doubt that it is. chalk hill now wholesale cut clems and roses, so the opportunity to see it may be history, i saw the garden two times, once it was in a very rainy calif may and then later in the summer in a more gloroius period. some of the roses that were mixed with clems were very impressive too. nothing garish. i remember one rose that was a butterscotch brown that was just scrumptious. kay heavy the owner started in roses and they were gorgeous too. nothing ordinary about the combos or the selection.

i think on the chalk hill site you can still see the design plans for the mary toomey garden. at least at one point
a few months ago you could.def worth looking at the design if still there on line.

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