Organic pest control for tomatoes?

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

I have grown tomatoes for 30+ years and never had any problems other than tomato hornworm. I just pluck them off and the problem is gone. But this year something is eating leaves, no sign of hornworms--and some tiny worm is boring into the fruit. Any ideas on pest and organic control would be great! Thanks!

Waynesville, MO

Oh, I am having the same problem! The little buggers are burrowing into the green fruit! I haven't found anything that is organic. I'm having such a pest problem this year that my list of produce that can be called organic is getting shorter. :(

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I, too, have seen holes in a few tomatoes - not so many that it's ruining the whole crop. Usually there are several black wasps patroling the garden for caterpillars, but this year they are few and far between. Maybe the cold winter weather killed-off the wasps.

There are always checks-and-balances in nature - there were hardly any Japanese Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles or June Bugs this year - so perhaps winter did them in, too!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Tomato fruit worm, a.k.a corn earworm.

Bt will help but you'll need to use it before the worms get inside the tomato.


Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

what should i do about powdery mildew on my tomatoes?

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Sulfur is effective to combat powdery mildew. Garlic naturally contains high levels of sulphur and a few cloves crushed in water can be used to make a homemade spray. Pass it through a sieve and spray. Apply a sulfur-based fungicide at first evidence of mildew and repeat the applications if the mildew continues.

It is more effective if you apply as soon as the infectation appears. he first sign of the disease.


Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks. i will give it a shot.

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