Soldier fly larvae - need some help

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Help please. For the first time I got soldier fly larvae in my compost and almost freaked out until I did some research. OK -- not a bad thing to have -- I can live with that. However, my new "batch" of compost is just swarming (or should I say "swimming" with larvae, which has now turned muddy and is quite wet (I haven't added any water); this makes it hard to turn the compost drum. It is also beginning to get a slightly sour odor. Not good I know. I added some shredded newspaper and some soil a few hours ago.

Will this be enough ? I'm now reluctant to add more scraps (never, ever anything cooked, dairy or manure) to this compost bin if it's just going to turn into a sour smelling wet muck pile in the bin. I would probably even have great difficulty getting this wet muck out of the bin.

Living in Florida we don't have the cold weather to look forward to -- to help take care of this problem with excessive (to me) larvae/maggots. Any suggestions as to what I need to do to get my compost back to the "black gold" that I was used to.

Emeryville, CA

I just wrote about maggots the other day at I suggest that you add plenty of dry coconut coir or peat moss. Doing so will really dry out your bin and discourage further breeding of flies. Also, be sure to turn it daily, as the agitation will also kill larvae. Good luck!

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Many thanks -- I will do that today.

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