O.T Icons and Greats that have recently passed

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

First the sudden unexpected loss of Michael Jackson and also Farah Fawcett and now 2 other well knowns gone, although I guess it would be expected given their ages... http://www.reuters.com/article/peopleNews/idUSTRE5611LD20090702 any one remember 'Are you being served' they were in the hey days of all the Poms great comedies...best in the world imo.
And Karl Malden...anyone remember him in 'The streets of San Francisco' with the young Michael Douglas, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090701/ap_on_en_mo/us_obit_malden a wonderful actor..
It seems now a week hardly goes by without another great gone ..may they all RIP

Loved are you being served! whatever will her pussy ...cat do without her?
I think no one did sit com like the British ... still do.
I watched Farrah in Extremities and Burning Bed the other night fantastic acting. she was a much underated actress ...known more for her charlies angel Days (who didn't rush home to watch that.)Streets of San Francisco ...same thing.
We are losing too many of the people we grew up with ...

This is quite an interesting place ...we don't know some of these celebrities ...but look how many have passed in 2009 ...the other woman who was in "Are you being served" passed on too ...I watched her in Eastenders for a long time too, now I know why she left.
Just look at this list ...

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes Chrissy a very interesting site. Oh, I loved Eastenders too and Wendy Richard was a great actress as Miss Brahms in Are you being served...

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