HAVE: Picea likiangensis Lijiang Spruce

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have Picea seeds - anyone intersted in a trade?

What are they? Have a picture of the plant?

OH, that is beautiful. How tall are the ones you have? I've got some beautiful Hemlock trees. They have tiny little cones and are blue/green and lacey leaf. Actuall have some other things too. How long would it take to grow one from seeds? Mine are plants.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

They germinate in 2 to 4 weeks. I started them in February and planted them in Kentucky... don't know if they're surviving or not. I can't grow these in Chicago, just nowhere to put them. I bought the seeds from JL hudson... after I bought a book on conifers. If they survive, I'll post a pic in the next 2 weeks. But if anyone wants any seeds, send me an evie.


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