White or yellow strawberries?

West of Brisbane, Australia

Just wondering if anyone has tried these. Do they taste roughly the same as the red ones? I wonder if they might be a bit bland?

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Hello cestrum, hope you don't mind, I stopped by and saw your post. I grow different kinds of the reds, yellow and white strawberry plants. The whites and yellows do have a different taste and I believe it also depends on the soil and what you feed them. The whites are generally more milder in flavor with a taste of there own where the reds have there own kind of bit to it. Pineapple Crush I believe is even more...of a taste of its own. They are milder. If you were to group all the different kinds in a bowl....one bowl of pineapple crush, one bowl of Mignonette (red) etc. The taste would be comparatively different, the reds taste like strawberries (with the wild flavor) the whites have a milder taste of strawberry but also other flavors and not so much of the acidity of the reds.

West of Brisbane, Australia

The ones I'm considering are unnamed varieties. Some are described as 'alpine white' or 'alpine yellow', and the white one is described as having a hint of pineapple. I thought I might try one of them, just for something different. (I already have a red alpine strawberry.) Just wasn't sure which one ...

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

They are all good but if memory serves me right, I had one yellow variety that was pretty much tastless...I cant remember off hand the name of that one tho. My new batches (I just started growing them again after a 10 year break) and they havent fruited yet. I will post again when I find out which one it is.

West of Brisbane, Australia

That's the problem, isn't it: you don't know what they taste like until they fruit.

I found with my red varieties that overwatering killed the flavour--literally pumped up the berries with water and left them tasteless. But if I was mean with the watering, the berries were smaller and intensely sweet. It can be quite hard to get right because if you underwater too much then the berries dry out altogether!

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Yes, that is what happened. The different ones i have this year hopefully i can keep the rains from soaking them. I think we are so close to flooding here. But if i have to I might dig them up in huge clumps and place on trays and bring them inside until this passes. Hope i dont have to go that route but at least its an option.

West of Brisbane, Australia

I've been growing a clump in a hanging basket; it keeps the snails/slugs out of them (you have to drape some netting over them as protection from birds) but does need more watering--although there's less chance that they'll be overwatered. In fact, none of mine are planted in the ground. They're all in various containers--those large rectangular storage tubs and those large black plastic rubbish bins (not the wheelie bins, but the old-fashioned bins we used before). I drill holes into them first, of course. Generally, I like to fill the bins with compost and, when that's rotted enough, I add some potted soil/manure to it and plant the runners into that.

I know if I shove them into the ground they'll get lost among the other plants and I'll never remember to pick the fruit. Edited to add: and the dog will pee on them!

This message was edited Jul 3, 2009 10:05 AM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Cestrum,Please post pics of your unusual strawberries when they fruit.I didn't realize that they came in other colours besides red.

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