Royalty clematis.

(Zone 4a)

I just purchased one of these....yes impluse purchase. I have decided to move my Rosemoor from the trellis to the fence. It it's place I will put Royalty....does anyone have this one and any comments to offer?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Royalty" is a wonderful pruning group 2..and the colours should compliment each other very nicely..I planted it as a liner plant from Jerome in '2007 and am pleased in what I have seen..seems very vigorous so far...and of course it is still too young to have a double yet..but here is my single form...Jeanne
ps..I love the white bar!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Oh yours is very pretty! Thanks so much for coming to the rescue....I was worried that no one had this one. I wasn't able to find too much information on the web regarding this one either. Yes it does have a pretty lighter coloured bar in the middle doesn't it? The one I purchased was in bloom so I did notice that even the baby flowers had nice colouring to them. I planted it today and cut it back. It was so hard because it was covered in flower buds!!

I dug up the Dr Ruppel and decided to get rid of it. In her place I moved my Rosemoor. She will be in between Star of India and The President...I think she will like it there.

(Zone 4a)

Jeanne do you have more photo's of Royalty by any chance?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh My..I would have let those flowerbuds open and enjoy them first before hard pruning..but that is just me...Yes I do have some more..let me find them...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Awww thanks Jeanne! I am happy with my purchase now! I am so glad you have one too!!!

(Zone 4a)

Guru are you saying you don't have this one in your collection?

Delaware, OH

dawn, i got a roaylty this spring on my bluebird special order that a local nursery made for me. so far it is growing ok, and i have pinched it back but nothing to report.
looking forward to learning about it but it will be this time next year before i have an y credibility on it.

(Zone 4a)

Aha....I figured you must have it too....I can't wait to hear your report on it next year as well.....

Columbus, OH

ClemGuru, What is the name of your above mentioned nursery. When is the next tour?

Rec'v 8 clems. from SSV and can't decide where to plant ea one. Thought I had that
portion of planting solved before he plants arrived. All beds were prepared.

This evening or tomorrow morning I will plant them regardless. I can expect to move them as I don't have all plants needed to make the combinations. Need to do more shopping.
Thanks' confussed

Delaware, OH

confussed, my special orders are usually from foertmeyers and sons. they are near me and are friends and have been helpful over the years. they are growers and wholesalers of mostly annuals and planters and also have a retail store that carries a good range of plants.

y experience is that you can ask specialty nurserys where you shop for special orders and many of them will oblige

i am always scrambling when clems arrive as to where to plant, i too have the holes prepared in advance and then when planting the bet laid plans.....go to heck. most of my mature combos are accidental.

wow what great weather we have had, no?

Columbus, OH

Thanks, I normally shop Oakland Park; straders' and walmart nurseries. Please, tell me if must I follow all guidlines as far as space between plants. How large are mature group 2 and 3's roots? Would love to steal some root space from Polish spirit and still receive the "thug" personality .

While I missed your peak bloom period would love to see how the clems look as they fade and next door a new one coming is about to bloom.
Wonder if I am the only DG'er with a habit of checking your thread 3-4 times per day.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

confussed I know you aren't the only one checking her thread several times a day as I confess that I do too.....LOL

You have got to go see her nirvana garden. It is incredible. Her natural talent to design is breath taking.


Delaware, OH

you guy are embarrassing me....i know where all the weeds are and sickly plants so next time you are here i will show you..........
confussed lady, straders gets some good clems from time to time, selection was better a few years ago, but they do have pretty well rooted gallons at the one down here on old dublin road, which is the one i go to. assuming you shop at the one on riverside dr? actually i think they may carry a bigger selection at that one. when they have their perennial sale i have gotten them a slow as 6$ , but that was s few years ago.

there is a little shop on bean oller road in delaware county called BACK ROADS and she stocks a few, but good selection of gallon pot clems. she has a small pink i like called confetti. foertmeyer not really any clems this year, this late in year i noticed a few weeks ago when i picked up something there.

wow great great weather we are having this summer for sure. wondering if august will be hot as hades with all this mid, perfect weather.....

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