Trades finally sent out, but still have seeds left!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I apologize to everyone waiting for trades from me. I have had lots of personal problems occurring all at once. I am recovering from an auto accident and still don't drive. I do design work from home and occasionally take public transport to NYC for meetings. I also live in a town that doesn't deliver mail, so I have to walk up to the post office, which has limited hours and closes for lunch daily. The bf's father (outside NYC in NJ, about and hour from my home in PA) had a stroke so I have been helping him as much as I can. I depend on the bf to drive me and have and to rearrange my life to accommodate his family crisis. As if life weren't complicated enough, the recent storms "zapped" my dsl modem and one network card, so I was offline for a while. The power here goes out frequently in storms, but that is nothing new. The local post office had an "incident with a lizard" that someone tried to ship. "Suspicious packages" including some people's plant trades were held "in quarantine."

At this moment, all trades are shipped or packed up and in my bag to take to the post office this afternoon. I have recovered all but one of the "quarantine" plants/cuttings in bulky bubble envelops. All have been checked, many replaced, all repacked and sent or being sent today.

One envelop with marigold seeds to Nicole Lynch (I don't know her dg surname) was returned to me for more postage to be sent out today.

I am doing my best to get everything out as quickly as possible. I will follow up individually with everyone as time, dsl and electricity permit.

I still have lots of purple star of yelta purple morning glory seeds available if anyone is interested.

Merkel, TX

I hope life continues to look up for you as well as your loved ones. Kathy


I'd be interested in some of the morning glory seeds if you still have some.
Let me know what I need to send you.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

what morning glory seeds? ;D I am collecting mg seeds, especially native ones.. Debra

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey! I'm Nicole. No rush. Murphy's Law - when it rains it pours! Please take care of yourself and just take it easy. The seeds can wait.

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