Being eaten out of house and home by voles...HELP!

Caledonia, MI(Zone 5a)

My lovely raised vegtable beds are being taken over by voles. And of course the rest of the gardens are too. I have checked with local garden shops for Liquid Fence for Mole/Voles and they are all out. We are going to try the sonic mole chasers. Anyone else have any better ideas? Dang varmits!


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

You can order direction from the Liquid Fence website. They have the Mole repellent in stock and it ships quickly.

Good luck!!

Caledonia, MI(Zone 5a)

We purchased three super sonic mole chasers from Lowe's today and I ordered the Mole repellent and it will be here in three days. We also bought new mouse traps, put peanut butter on them and set them next to their hole openings and covered it with a clay pot. (This info came from "Mole Busters" here in town.) We are on a mission!! I'll keep you all posted. Maybe even a pic or two!


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Do moles have any "natural" predators that you know of? I don't think I've ever seen one but I'm sure they're probably around here. It sounds like you 've got it all under control. They better run long and fast since you mean business!! :)

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

ughhh so sorry aqua....they are horrible little things and very damaging as well!

My vines fell over and all the roots are gone. What happened? One word: VOLES. If you have never heard of this rodent, it looks like a cross between a mole and a mouse. There are several kinds, with the most common being the Meadow Vole. The amount of destruction that these critters can do in a short time is devastating. They will eat the roots of just about ANY plant that they can get to, especially woody vines, trees, and shrubs. They will also eat all of the bark and cambium off of the lower trunk or stem as far as they can reach, girdling the plant and killing it. Their favorites are Viburnums, Willow, any member of the apple, plum, or cherry family, Arborvitae, Juniper, Yew, and Weigela. Next are Hydrangea, Sambucus (elderberry), Spirea, Euonymus (burning bush), Barberry, and Tamarix. The only plants that we have never had a problem with them eating the roots and stems off of is Forsythia and Walnut. This damage often is blamed on moles by mistake. Moles feed on insects and earthworms and do not consume plant materials.

During the summer, they will eat weeds (yes, really) and seeds, only having a few roots as a snack. If the seed head of a weed is out of reach, they will start at the bottom of the stalk and eat it into 1" pieces until they reach the seed head, leaving a little pile of "mulch" behind. They also use these pieces to build a cone-shaped nest above ground in hidden places. Mostly, they live underground. They will use the same "beaten path" when traveling, eating off the grass, weeds, or what-ever-else is in the way. The ground nests are a give-away as they leave a pile of pea-shaped dirt pieces piled up a short distance from the entrance. Burrow entrance is about 1" in diameter and is usually perfectly round. Vole tooth marks on trunks and stems are 1/16" wide at are at various angles. Rabbit tooth marks are twice as large and usually all at the same angle.

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

Moles do not eat plant material. Voles do. Moles do burrow and make unsightly dirt mounds in turf, but they will not damage plants by feeding. Moles feed on insects, earthworms and other soil invertebrates. Pesky voles are likely responsible for most vertebrate feeding damage in your garden and landscape plants, not moles.

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

Whenever I get voles in my yard and garden , I spray the whole yard with a mixture of: 1 bottle of Castor Oil, 1 Tbs vegetable oil, and a few drops of mild liquid dish soap mixed into a gallon of water. I put this into a hose end sprayer and spray my whole yard. I gets rid of the voles for a couple years or more. Works for me anyway.

Elwell, MI

Please lets all gang up on these darn critters and maybe we can out smart them :-)) We don't seem to have the voles but we sure do have moles! have tried all sorts of "home" remidies, Jerry Bakers receipes and the sonics. The sonics seem to work a little except the moles seem to know the limit of sound, they make their mound so far out and some must give out more sonic or reach farther because the hills appear farther from one than the other. I think they might work if you wanted your yard full of them. We now have purchesed some "Grub" removal which you spread like seed all over as of this time the moles are ignoring it, but it may need a good rain to get it into the ground. keep this post alive folks!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

If you attach a hose from the exhaust pipe on your car and put the other end down into the tunnel you can kill them with carbon monixide but letting the car run for a while.

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