Have Oleander seeds to trade

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I have these fresh seeds to trade if anyone is interested. I am especially searching for seeds from a yellow nerium oleander( not Thevetia) http://pics.davesgarden.com/pics/brical1_1227517803_542.jpg http://pics.davesgarden.com/pics/brical1_1227517646_977.jpg http://pics.davesgarden.com/pics/brical1_1227517486_179.jpg http://pics.davesgarden.com/pics/brical1_1227518355_310.jpg

I'm looking for the yellow also. If you find them, sure wish you'd let me know where. I have the red and pink and white plants but not the yellow. I also have the seed to the peach mexican oleander And 2 plants of the peach.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Mekos,You shouldn't have any problems finding them there.I have seen the 'luteum' /yellow in my ongoing searches, advertised in several nurseries ..I just can't remember which ones though at this point in time. You may also have luck with the Oleander Society in Galveston....

Thanks, I'll check them out. There are a few plant nurserys around here I haven't been to in a while. I'll check them out. Hope you find it there.

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