Parrots Beak aka Lotus Vine

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

does anyone know where I can get this ?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Have you checked local nurseries? Out here it's typically not hard to find a nursery that has them and since you're in a warm climate too I think there's a decent chance you could find them locally. Or here's a very similar looking one which is listed by a couple vendors in Plant Scout

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I should also mention (since you posted this in Vines & Climbers) that it's not really a very good vine--it is a sort of sprawling trailing plant but it doesn't really climb, and it doesn't get that big, so if you were thinking of training it up a wall, trellis, arbor, etc you may not be happy with it. They're great in hanging baskets or as a groundcover though.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I've been looking for "mini vines" tuck into small places, on mini" trellis's", ( really mini ) ( actually found objects that I use for a "trellis" ) kinda rock garden/miniature garden style. Ones that sprawl and creep under/around other plants. I've been building up sections of beds to get high/low spots and also using natural raised areas, with a vine going up a tree, then a "cliff" below w/ plants trailing down. I've got some small leaved ivy's, some native trailing creeper I've not identified yet w/ a purple flower that I found in one of my horse pastures, Kidney weed "Silver Falls, I'm using Rosary Vine on the ground as a creeper,trailer, Livingstone Daisy. I found some creeeping Zinnia, which I'm considering. I'm also using Columbia Ivy Sage which is a creeping/trailing Salvia. Anyway...I know that got a bit long winded, I'm looking for smaller unusual "creeper vines" ?? ...and I really like that one.
The local nurseries don't have it...maybe Orlando, but that's an hour away and for me to take off and go down there isn't likely. I've googled it but not found it. The link you gave is a nice one too tho!!! So that might be it till I can find the other.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Honestly I've never really been able to see much of a difference between the two different kinds--or maybe it's just that there's a lot of mislabeling going on in the nurseries but I've bought plants under both names and honestly they've looked very alike to me so probably either one would work for you.

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