Isn't BT organic?

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b) I thought BT was organic and only harms caterpillars. Why the warning: "PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS
HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS"? I have also read that it is okay to use up to the day of harvest.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Just because something is organic doesn't mean it doesn't have some hazards associated with it. The only thing that organic means is that it came from nature vs being a manmade synthetic chemical. The Bt bacteria itself isn't harmful to humans, but since it's delivered in the form of a powder, it's generally not good to inhale any kind of powder and it can irritate eyes, etc so that's why it has warnings on it.

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

A couple of friends wanted the husks and stalks of my corn for their goats and donkey. After i harvested most of my corn, I read the label and told them they could not have them after all.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think you need to worry about that--you need to be a little careful when applying it since that's when the dust can become airborne, etc but since it's approved for use up to the day of harvest I don't think you need to worry too much once it's on the plants.

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks ecrane3.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I think that's when it's in its concentrated form. Once it's diluted properly and all, then it's safe.

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