Questions about composting.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Well I finally decided to start composting and just recently ordered a Biostack, after reading all the reviews I thought this was the one to invest on. My question is, I don't have brown material such as leaves or pine straw etc... the only thing I have is tons of brown packing paper since we just moved to our new house, and I was wondering if I could use this instead of the other types of brown material, or should I mix this paper with other brown materials as well, to get a better result. Thanks, Carmen

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I read somewhere that "Kraft Paper" can be used in the compost pile - I've not tried this. Carboard boxes break down quickly if kept wet - I use them to smother weeds and grass, topped with lots of leaves. I have two Biostacks and really like them.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Paper is good. Brown, white, etc. Browns are "carbon" materials instead of greens which are "nitrogen" materials.

I put in shredded mail minus the plastic windows, boxes, pizza boxes, newspaper, non-glossy magazines, etc. Most paper EXCEPT for glossy print materials.

For those that don't know, I found out that our local Lowe's actually sells bales of straw. They keep it outside in a trailer and you just order it at the checkout.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much for the quick response. The paper I have is brown, it kind of looks like the sort of paper that the cardboard boxes are made of much much thinner, I have tons of it left because of my move and wanted to find out if I could use it. Yes I have seen Lowes bales of straw as well but I just wanted to see if I could use the paper instead so I would not have to spend any money at all on this new compost pile. Greens I have tons, I have to cut the grass wich is growing like crazy but I am trying to wait a little until I get my Biostacks. By the way how long will it take for the compost to form? Thanks. Carmen

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Time before it's ready depends on what is in the mix, how often it is turned, how much it heats up, water content, etc. Lots of factors. Some piles are ready in as little as 15 weeks or so.

If you continually feed it, it will take longer than switching between 2 piles. I only have 1 pile currently and I continually feed it. Every tie I add grass cuttings I add cardboard/paper too. By the end of the week it seems to have broken down to about 1/3 the original volume, which is really good. I started it in May. It's pretty broken down already but not usable yet.

There are different ways to get finished compost... multiple piles, compost sifting, etc.

No need to add straw if you have the packing materials to use. I just mentioned it because I was unaware they had straw until recently.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Well, I got my composter today, :), I am so happy , I never expected it to be quite so big, I guess the bigger the more compost. I think between this composter and my red wigglers I'll be set. There was a thunderstorm today so I was unable to go out there and mow the grass but hopefully tomorrow I can, so I can start my first batch of compost. No more wasted veggies.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Carminator, you've got the perfect attitude for composting! You are going to have fun! As I've begun to learn, there is no "one way" to compost, but the excitement of seeing scraps turning into rich dirt is universal! Try putting down a layer of your paper, or cardboard, or newspaper on the bottom of the Biostack and then wet it if possible. At least in my Biostacks, the worms seem to flock to the layer of newspaper (which also keeps down weeds) and then they migrate up to the scraps.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

That's a great idea, I've never thought of putting the cardboard on the bottom, I started my first batch already, I was just able to mow my front lawn but not the one in the back, it is so hot that I have to wait until much later to start so I have a lot less daylight. Yesterday I was able to pick up my worms from a friend who was taking care of them when I was gone all this months. ( Yes I am vermicomposting as well since last year and loving it :). I really thought they were going to be dead since she had them in the garage but oh boy when I opened the boxes because I have 2 I found them full of rich compost both of them and the worms are still going strong. Very soon I am going to have to collect this compost and start a new house for them. I just took some of the worm tea they produce and put it in all my seddlings for an extra boost. Next time I'll definetely try the card box trick. I LOVE WORMS :)

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