CLOSED: Two kinds of Digitalis and Silene colorata seeds for free

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi, I have 3 sets of these seeds for free.
I've had enough seeds at the moment .
So never mind sending me any seeds return ,nor any postage.
The set is:
1.Digitalis thapsi
2.Digitalis purpurea 'alba'
3.Silene colorata 'Dwarf Pink Star'

First come ,first served.


Thumbnail by Tomtom
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I'd love to try them:) Could I have one of each?

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Would love to have some of the Digitalis Purpurea Alba.

Pretoria, South Africa


I would love to give them a try. Please feel free to let me know should I have something you are interested in - even in future.

Thank you so much for your lovely offer,

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Bev. stetchworth,Elsa123,
You are the getters !!.
I'll send the seeds as soon as possible.

stetchworth, please let me know your address by D-mail.


Pretoria, South Africa

Thank you so much, Tomtom. I really appreciate your trouble...

Auberry, CA(Zone 7b)

Beautiful pictures TomTom, I love the blue and white!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Thank you MntMs for your comment.
I love the blue and white too.
Here is a thread I made.
I posted some containers of blue flowers .

I'm happy if you have a look at it.


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much for offering your beauties:)) Going to look at your containers!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

All I can say is Amazing! I would have never thought of putting some of those plants into containers...And 'ouch!' my brain is whirling right now...Boy am I going to have to actually make some real plans for wintersowing this year:))

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Thank you for looking at my containers.

Digitalis is biennial plant, so you have to sow it before summer.
I'll hurry to send them to you.


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, yeah...I knew that, lol!! Looking forward to getting them:))

And now, I really need to get into making pots, too...Do I really need that full-time job??

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Tomtom, your containers are absolutely gorgeous!! I wish I had your ambition and eye for plant combinations! What an inspiration!


Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Sending you dmail

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


>Do I really need that full-time job??

That all depends LOL

My plot is so tiny and I want to grow so many plants .
That's why I have to use containers.
If you have large space ,you don't have to use them.

Containers are so fitted to enjoy various conbinations and displays,though.


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)


I apparently don't have nearly the amount of room that I need, nor do I have enough time to care for it all...I have already threatened to take over unused space in the neighbor's yards, lol! And have similarly threatened to retire super early;)

I do use containers for things that are not winter hardy here. And I love the look of them arranged on the patio outside. I also use some containers in my perennial borders just because. I could very much see some of your combos used in that way here...hummmm.


Auberry, CA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the link! What do you feed those flowers to get such amazing results?

Prospect, TN(Zone 7a)

Dear TomTom,
I would love to try your seeds. Thank you so much for your kindness if there is ever anything I have please let me know.
Sincere regards,

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would love to see how your containers work in your yard. I have many plants in container, but I'm trying to find a happy medium where the container looks good and not junking up the yard look.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Seeds have arrived! Thanks so much for sending them:)) We are in full blown summer now, so do you think that I should save the digitalis until the fall? I had great luck with wintersowing digitalis last year.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi MntMs,
I don't use any special fertilizer . I always plant little seedlings that I grow from seeds by

You're singularly lucky!
The three sets of seeds were all gone immediately.
But I've searched every nook andcranny finally to find some.
Let me know your address by D mail.


I 'd like to have a look at your containers.


Thank you for letting me know the seeds arrival.
You had better sow digitalis seeds at your best time in your zone.
Good luck!!


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Here is one of my container that I'm growing MG in. I have a passionflower in there but it's so small and slow. I will have to take pictures of my other containers. I have lots of them all over the yard. I tried to work them into the garden so that they will blend in with the other plants.

Thumbnail by LiliMerci
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

I received the seeds, thanks so much for sending them.


OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


You are welcome.
Best luck!


Pretoria, South Africa


My seeds arrived today! Thank you so much for all the trouble you went through. I really appreciate it.

Have a great week,

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

You are welcome ,Elsa123.

Happy gardening !!


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