Abundance clematis

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8b)

Does anyone have Abundance? I got it from SSV last year. It is just about 5 inches high and seems to be just waiting. I don't see that Debbie sells this one any more. Does anyone have some info on this clem? Thank you.

Delaware, OH

ssv is out of stock. i killed mine last year by leaving it in a box for 6 weeks. check brushwood and if they are out, wait list with his system for it by clicking on "buy" even if it says out of stock.
i'm with you on this, i covet one too and it has just escaped me to order at the right time to get it. but as i killed a nice ssv root last year i shall have to wait for it.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hmm...Clematis "Abundance" is of the viticella group aka pruning group 3 and like most viticellas should be taking off better than that...that is what I was saying about some of those Huge rooted clematis not taking off in your soil like the smaller ones do..planting them seems to knock them back a year to the sleep mode....did you fertilize it?...and hard prune it this year?...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

mary, can you post a pic of your abundance?

i am not sure what jeanne means about being knocked back a year......maybe it is just my zone, but i have never had a liner establish faster than a good size root from brushwood, ssv or a well rooted gallon form anywhere (even if it was mis labeled!)

if this was a good sized root and from ssv i am sure it was, you have to look at site, including sun and drainage as well as jeanne's questions regarding pruning and fertlizing to make any type of assessment. i have killed a lot of clems in my time, big and small and after we order them we are responsible for many many things that effect what type of plant it will become.

it sounds small for sure. there so many variables, but these questions are a good place to start. so mary if you can answer those and even post a pic that would be fun dialogue! for those of us that love clems, nothing makes better conversation for sure!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I know you might have said this before, so please bear with me in answering again,

do you think the smaller rooted clems are doing better because of your zone. My thinking is that since you don't get the freezes like we do then the smaller rooted ones don't have to make it through the winter therefore they do better at getting started.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Janet..I've had very good success with planting liner and smaller rooted clematis...My long growing season probably does have something to do with it..My favourite time to plant clematis are not only in Spring but FALL!!..I have a very long fall with lots of rain and cool temps from September -November..so I feel my clematis have a long time to get established in a wet/cool environment before going dormant in the mid December time..I've had clematis even blooming in December...Jeanne

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Thanks for sharing some more information.

Where is Willis located? I used to have family in Reklaw (that is walker spelled backwards, LOL) just south of Austin in east Texas.

So are you continuing with the water rooting method? if so are you doing it so that when you transplant to soil it is during your wet/cool time? if so how much time is that before December is this.

Don't mean to overload you with questions just trying to figure when I should give this a try for the best possible success rate...


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Willis is North of Houston Texas right above Conroe Texas..I live on Lake Conroe
Janet...I've not used my Bubbler this year..but am going to have to as my neighbor asked me to root him one of my Vitex trees...Yes, I did use it from May-Sept and as I said potted them up in 1/2 gallon pots and sunk them in the soil for fall and winter and pulled up the following mid Feb-early March and planted directly into my gardens...Jeanne

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Nice location Jeanne.

Thanks again for the explanations. I just might give this a try.

Will report back should I go this route. Might be an interesting test to do your system and the old fashioned way and monitor what I get living in the north.


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