Another combo I am thinking of......what do you think?

(Zone 4a)

I know durandii isn't a climber but I would love to "try" to train it up my tuteur with the HF young on it as you think this could be done? Do they simply refuse to climb or do they simply need coaxing and being tied up?? Anyone has ideas on this.......

Anothoer option I am thinking of is Cezanne to plant with HF young - even if the colours are similar I still think it would look like a nice combo.....I have heard such wonderful things of Cezanne and I would like to try that one too....maybe even with Blue Angel?

This message was edited Jun 27, 2009 8:29 PM

Delaware, OH

dawn, i commented on durandii's trainability on hardwick hall thread. personally i would put the durandii to the front and side of the blue angel. it will lean in nicely and when the bloom times overlap will be a nice tone on tone depth and contrast to the combo.
hf young bloom slow for about 3 or 4 years and then will start climbing and blooming higher...i would not put anything loosely in front of it till it was a few years old, then i would put a diversafolia in front and side of the hf young as it matures. the diversafolia (or integrefolia) can lean in and it would be smashing. maybe blue boy for tone on tone (altho bloom times would probably not overlap, but not sure in your zone) or a heather herschell if you want a pink in the mid summer blooming there.


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