Vine Lovers & Butterfly fanciers

Mishawaka, IN(Zone 5a)

I love Vines of all kinds,heirloom ones,Tropical ones,
strange looking vines and love to talk about them

I also love plants and vines for Butterflies
where you live what do you use to get the
Butterflies to come to your place..

I love Vines!

Forest City, NC(Zone 7a)

I have alot of butterfly bushes and am trying to start a large flower garden .Very very large!!! It is taking time to get enough plants to fill it . Oh well, I'll get there someday. See ya Diana

(Zone 9a)

As I'm just beginning to really get serious about my flower gardens, I'm also beginning to learn what they like in my area. Purple coneflower gets their attention alot. I've also begun to learn which plants they use as hosts during caterpillar stage. Ageratum seems to be a favorite.

From all the great trades I've made during past 6 months, I'm hoping to have a yard FILLED with butterflies and birds!

Bloomer 8-)

Mishawaka, IN(Zone 5a)

Snugglebug and Bloomer,
I lost most of my butterfly gardens oh about 2 years ago
when we had that awful drought. So am gradually replacing
everything I lost.

I will add this year Asclepias' about 5 different species of them. Hey did you know Hoya's are a member of Asclepias'
I was truly amazed when I found that out.. and I will add
Porterweeds, Boneset.

I visited a place called Gods Green Earth this AM they
have a butterfly room, it had all kinds of Lantana,
a Powder puff tree, a Eucalyptus tree, Jade plants,
and so many more a bird of paradise plant it was huge
I am thinking maybe 10 feet tall,was really nice to see something in bloom LOL


Also, we use Sedum Spectabile in Ireland.

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