trees or large shrubs or grasses that grow in shade, zone 5

Milford, MI

I really need some help figuring out what to plant in a shady area about 30' by 30'--unfortunately I have a whole list of requirements like low maintenance, deer resistance, as well as above. It/they need to be at least 4' or higher; I don't mind planting 2 or 3.

Any good ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks!

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

hazelnut ? serviceberry ?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Depends on what type of coverage you're looking for.
There are suckering shade-tolerant shrubs which will fill in a large area, such as itea, neviusia, neillia.
Or individual flowering shrubs such as rhodies, viburnums, oak-leaf hydrangea, corylopsis, etc.

Rosemont, ON(Zone 4a)

The deer-resistance requirement narrows your selection considerably. My suggestions are Ilex opaca (American Holly) and Buxus sempervirens 'Arborescens' (Tree Box), but I don't know if they are winter-hardy where you live. What Zone are you in?

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Witch Hazel is a shrub that likes shade.

Milford, MI

Sorry, zone 5. Thanks for all suggestions!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

You might consider gray dogwood (cornus racemosa) it is a native dogwood, very shade tolerant, provides berries for birds and has good fall color. The deer don't touch it in my yard. It has one big drawback, it suckers and has to be controlled but regular pruning. Vernal witchhazel might be another good choice. However, it is not drought tolerant and must be watered during hot, dry spells in the summer. What about a couple of paw paws trees (asimina triloba). They require some babying as young saplings (need to protect the bark from deer) but relatively low maintenance and deer find the twigs & leaves unattractive. But like the witchhazel are not drought tolerant. Paw Paws also sucker.

What about bamboo? Fargesia rufa might be a good choice. Shade loving, clump forming and since it is a grass, relatively low maintenance.

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

winterberry too

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