I was just about to...

Long Beach, NY(Zone 7a)

take my plants to the tanning salon for some rays, but surprise...the sun is out! Woo-Hoo! Much thanks to Mother Nature today!

Saugerties, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL, now they are frying in the hot sun. I've been moving mind in and out of the sun so they dont burn. CRAZY New York weather, at least you must have a good breeze coming off the bay

Long Beach, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, a little breeze, but the warmth is very welcome today as we haven't really got above 65 in the last month! I am moving my containers around all day too! LOL. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy as I am also walking around with cans of beer to trap some snails tonight!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


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