Tree Id. Please

Murrieta, CA

Recently I spotted this tree growing here in Murrieta Ca.
I just love the way it looks but as of yet no one can tell me what it is.
The leaves are really deep dark green on top but the bottom of the same leaves are as white as they can be!
Very unusual and really stands out, I doubt that it is an evergreen but I am hopring that it is.
Please help if you can,

Thumbnail by deanp62
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

It's a White Poplar, Populus alba. It's a weed some places, maybe there too.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I've seen them here along abandoned roads. They are unusual looking, but very prolific and a weed tree.

Murrieta, CA

Pretty much everything is a weed somwhere right?
Is it an evergreen weed where you live?
Here in Murrieta we only get light frost about 6 times a year and I wonder if it would hold leaves throuout the cold season?
I was considering it for a shade provider for smaller plants but if it is deciduos when the leaves fall off whatever it was shading will burn.
Thanks for your help.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It is deciduous; no leaves from roughly November to April.


Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

It is difficult to grow much of anything underneath white poplar because it has an extensive shallow root system and is an aggressive root sprouter.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It also (like other poplars) has an extensive deep root system . . . that's why poplars can be so damaging to foundations on shrinkable clay soils


Murrieta, CA

Thanks Everyone,
Guess I don't need one after all, but they really are nice in someone elses yard.

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