Green Jewel

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I just had to have this one when I saw it in a catalog! The green petals are breath taking.

This first picture was taken a couple of days ago just as it was starting to open.

Thumbnail by sjweld
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

And this one was taken this morning:

Thumbnail by sjweld
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I don't like green petals on my coneflowers. I always pull up any that have green blooms. I've seen a friend's plants with Aster Yellows and some of them looked just like these.

Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, I quite disagree, echinaceamaniac - I think they are beautiful! They are a very hot item this year at most of the greenhouses I have visited.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

To each their own. LOL. They aren't hot at all around here.

Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

Hmm... from some of your other posts, you have Green Envy and Coconut Lime, so what's the problem with Green Jewel??

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Green Jewel looks like a diseased coneflower to me. Coconut Lime is mostly white with some tints of green in the middle.

I hesitated about getting Green Envy, but it does at least have some pink color to it which changes over time. I saw Jon's pictures of it and decided to give it a try. I think I can tell if this one gets phytoplasma because the blooms would probably go solid green if it had it.

I'm just paranoid about the blooms of Green Jewel because they look just like a plant with a phytoplasma. I swear I have seen plants with a disease that looked exactly like it.

We all should be very cautious about coneflowers with green blooms. That's why I planted my Green Envy in a location away from my other plants. I still don't feel comfortable growing it though. LOL.

This message was edited Jun 24, 2009 10:34 AM

Hamilton, OH

I picked up a green jewel at Lowes last year.. they got a shipment in late in the season last year.

It is a very strong plant with large blooms... but the petals are a light green... not any near you dark green color ( which i like). They have faded a bit to a greenish white now on some of the older blooms.

I would say if it doesn't get witches brooms growing.. you have a nice plant

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Here's a pic I found of Aster Yellows. This plant doesn't have the witches broom. It looks very similar to the Green Jewel pics I've seen.

Thumbnail by echinaceamaniac
Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

This is my plants first year and that is the first bloom. Wonder if the blossoms will fade in time?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Interesting conversation I must say. I'm now on my third Green Jewel plant that I received 6 days ago. I received my first two in the spring of 2008. I kept both of them until this spring, but decided to pull them up. Neither of them grew much at all in the one year and bloomed very few times. The blooms were nice but neither plant ever looked all that healthy. I was just afraid something from the Green Jewels might transfer to some of the healthy looking coneflowers so I decided to replace them. Here's a photo of the new Green Jewel I received in the mail 6 days ago. It's looking pretty good considering it just spent 3 days in a box last week. It's actually larger than either of my Green Jewels received last year ever were. We'll just have to wait and see.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Hamilton, OH

My father had yellow asters on a bunch of coneflowers.. they all got the crazy witches broom growth and green petals. The petals were cupped, like in the photo posted above.

The Green envy that i have doesn't have any cupping at all... just standard petals.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

What does a Green Jewel look like with Aster Yellows?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

This is a photo of one of my past "Green Jewel" plants on Nov 23, 2008. This was about as large as it ever got from last spring through this spring. It just got rundown looking this spring so I took it out. It was never higher than 4 or 5 inches in height.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe it gets even greener and the cone looks like it has a mohawk haircut sticking out of the top of the cone. LOL

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL. Jon, thanks for posting that picture. That plant doesn't appeal to me at all. It might if it had the mohawk though! Your Green Envy plant is what convinced me to get that one. I really think the blooms look more interesting. It's all a matter of opinion though. No offense to anyone who likes Green Jewel!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You're welcome. I'm a sucker for the most rare color in It seems like everyone just either loves or hates the coloring of "Green Envy". It definitely is the most unique color combination out there. Boy oh boy, I hope your's does well. The pressures on me now!!!

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I'll keep you posted. I hope it holds the color it has now too!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i luv them
i lost all my green jewel over the winter!!! boooooo hoooooooooooo

i want green envy so bad i could cry!!!

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I finally have Green Envy buds! I hope it looks good. It's a new plant so I'm not expecting too much this year.

Reedsburg, WI(Zone 4b)

I also have green envy but the buds are tiny right now.

And Coconut Lime:

(yes I too am a sucker for the "odd" colors!)

Thumbnail by sjweld
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's too bad notmartha. I see I'm not the only one who had some Green Jewel issues. Good to hear you have some buds already maniac & sjweld. Good thing to keep the expectations a little lower the first year maniac. My 2 Green Envy's did bloom some last year, but it's this year, in year 2, where the plants really showed significant improvement.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Jon - You're right about Green Envy...Let's just say....It's ugly as all get out this year. It better look better next year or it's out of there! Yuck! I'll post a photo tomorrow. The blooms start out green but turn pink with just a dab of green at the end. They aren't uniform at all. It's not like the photos you posted. Were your plants like that the first year with small, ugly blooms?

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Got a question for all of you:

I just got this Green Jewel in June as a tiny, tiny plug, so it is doing well. The question is, do you think with it blooming at this height I should pull these blooms off or just let it do its thing. This one, as you know, is known for staying short. Thanks in advance.

Thumbnail by funnthsun
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

My Green Envy did not bloom all that much last year. This is year two and it's blooming much more this year. The biggest disappointment is that the blooms no longer have any green in them during the full heat of the summer. I do recall this happening last year also. I only get green coloration when the temperatures are slightly cooler. Here's a photo of "Green Envy" today which reflects my comments. I'll post the "other" greens in a minute.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I asked advice about Tiki Torch and the person at Terra Nova told me to remove blooms the first year to encourage a stronger, bushier plant. I'm sure the same would apply to this plant. It's hard to make myself cut my blooms off before they open, especially if I'm scared the plant won't return next year. That plant does look very small though. If you can stand to do it, I'd cut 'em right off.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's my new "Green Jewel" that I've had for about 4-5 weeks. The first bloom is a much lighter bloom. It's just too early for me to make a judgment on this one. It's much taller compared to last years "Green Jewel" that I finally discarded.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

And here's a photo from today of my 1st "Coconut Lime" that I've had for about 6 or 7 weeks. If we're just talking "green" ones this one is the best one I've had and its only my first Coconut Lime. I'm only my second attempts with Green Envy and Green Jewel.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Jon. I think the heat here is keeping mine from having the green petal tips too. I bet mine will bloom earlier next year. These blooms are just late because it's a new plant this year. I have something to look forward to next year now! LOL.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Jon - Your Coconut Lime is doing great. I love that one. I took a small plant from the crown of my original plant last year and now I've got two Coconut Limes. The one I rooted is doing better than the parent.

You'll notice that the blooms of Coconut Lime get more hints of green in them as they age. It's an awesome plant.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. And that sickly looking Echie behind my Green Jewel is a second year "Fatal Attraction" plant that immediately went downhill during the past 3 or 4 weeks with all the rain we have been having. It is more than likely to be my 2nd casualty this year. LOL At least give me credit for being willing to post some less than desirable photos also. My image is ruined!!! LOL

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I didn't have luck with "Fatal Attraction" either. I don't think that one likes the summer heat at all. Have you tried "After Midnight" down there?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Well that sucks. Sorry to hear that. I haven't tried "After Midnight". I've thought about it during the past year, but then my attention gets sidetracked by some other variety that is not pink/purple in color. I have plenty of pinks now and only recently added Pink Double Delight. It was because of all the good things you and others have said about it and because its similar in form to Coconut Lime.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I thought some of you might want to see this picture I found of a field of Green Jewel...

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh nice pic Em. They all look very uniform in size and color. I will have to keep an eye on this one too I guess. Thanks for the look see.
BTW Jon my 'Fatal Attraction' has been slow due to the cool wet late spring/early summer here, but has been on the move finally with some sunny warmer days. Just getting to bloom now but looks healthy. This is year two here.

Thumbnail by ngam
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow, thats some heavy duty Green Jewel!!! Nice to hear your Fatal Attraction is doing better. Mine is in year two and has looked quite bad for about a month now no matter what I do. It may be the third casualty of the year very soon.

Page, ND

Because I have had TERRIBLE luck the last 2 years with yellow aster disease; I'm scared of the Green coneflowers. Here is my coconut lime though and I love it!

Thumbnail by NDFarmgirl
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

John - Fatal Attraction didn't do good here either. I think the heat is the problem. Mine was in full sun. I might try again with one in partial shade someday. I wonder about Vintage Wine! I need to quit!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I remember your dilemma NDFarmgirl. You had to dig them all up. Your Coconut Lime looks good. My Fatal Attraction is (soon to be was) in full sun also and has never done much in two years. I may acquire another one, but its not very likely. There are too many new ones I'd rather try. Havent tried Vintage Wine but do have one of the other wines named "Merlot". Please, you'll never quit. Don't even go there!!! LOL

Milan, OH

I have the green jewel, green envy and coconut lime I just love them they are such a nice additon to my gardens.

Last year I didn't think they were going to make it but this year they are coming up like crazy just hope they multiply and don't loose there true colors. Here is some of my green envy when they first started blooming.


Thumbnail by Breeze1947

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