Still time to plant watermelon?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Is there still time, in the Atlanta area, to plant some watermelon or will the weather be to cool by the time they fruit to ripen the melons?

There are enough calender days before frost but I'm thinking the melons might not like ripening in the cooler fall weather.

I have a variety of early to late watermelons seeds, from the earliest Blacktail Mountain(70 days) to the latest OrangeGlo(85-95 days.)

My grandmother was also wondering the same about french cantaloupes (not muskmelons.)

Thanks so much for any help!

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I think you'd be okay if eating watermelon come Fall is okay. My garden went in very late. I planted your gifted 'Desert King' watermelon seed ten days ago. They are up and running. Thank you so much. I'm hoping you'll come up and enjoy the garden?

What variety of French cantaloupes are you referring to? Melons and squashes don't seem to mind the searing temps.. I'm wary that we'll have pickleworm problems down the line though. It would be a good idea to decide how you want to deal with them in advance, 'cause their arrival is inevitable.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I've grown Petit Des Gris Rennes and they have done well for me.

This year I am growing Petit des Gris Rennes, Noir des Carmes, Charentais, Vert Grimmpant and Boule d'Or and all seem to be doing well so far


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi BB, Didn't know you spoke French!

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Wee Wee


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone, I'm going to try a few and see what happens. Watermelon is good at any time of the year! :)

I'm not sure of the type of French cantaloupe as the seeds were saved from a purchased melon but it was a small type along the lines of Petit Des Gris Rennes. She loved it and thought it was way better than the common muskmelons.

I'd love to see your garden sometime Laurel, Thanks! :)


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Si Si


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