Yellow Clematis?

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I've been wondering if there is a yellow clematis - I've never seen one.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

So sorry to have bothered you - I found one.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Let's see it!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


How far are you from Cleveland?

I'm south of Cleveland in Sagamore Hills.


Delaware, OH

stowlyijk gold (alpina) i spelled that wrong but am traveling and can't check right not. it is a yellw LEAVED clem. i have one in the ground and it is small but growing.
yellow flowers> wadas primrose (mandshura) to some is yellow
lemon bells, mine flowered this year

paul farges is a very light creamy yellow in some lights.

what others are you aware of dathan? how is your garden coming along?

Baton Rouge, LA

Guernsey Cream has a yellow tinge to it as well.

Delaware, OH

forgot about many cool clems. radar love, golden tiara, intricata, my angel are a few i have

still on business trip so i can not even look at my clem list.....

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks to all of you. The tanguticas were the ones that I found. Not sure yellow would be my first choice for a clematis, but my husband is partial to yellow and white flowers. I think its because he is colorblind and they stand out nice and clear to him. Every year I have to plant white impatients (think thats spelled wrong) and yellow snapdragons. ...the only annuals that I plant.

Thanks for asking, Guru, garden is doing just okay. The 3 clematises that I planted are just standing still. No growth yet. But they did get hit by some pretty hard rain twice soon after they were planted.

Thanks again. Dathen

Edited to add - Just west of Medina, meadowyck.

This message was edited Jun 24, 2009 3:05 PM

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


You aren't far at all. When we were looking for a place we first looked in Medina area as a friend who had the same breed of goats as I lived there. But DH said he didn't want to drive that far to work, he worked in Oakwood, just off 271.


Delaware, OH

jj tangutica is sometimes not hardy in northern zones. need good drainage i know. bill mackensie lasted only a few years for me and one large golden tiara (kugota) died too.
however, i have found clematis "my angel" to be the hardiest along with "intricata harry smith".
right now i have speices tangutica, also reticulata growing out as well as mongolian snowflake and a few other similar type so in a few years so in a few years i will be able to report on a further range of these clems and the hardiness factor.

here is golden tiara before death. my remaining one will bloom in a few weeks and do so thru the fall.
still on business trip ,wonder what is happening in the garden at hardwick hall?

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

My helios didn't come back one spring. It was in a warm, protected spot, so excess moisture was probably the culprit. The death of marginally hardy plants is more often caused by too much moisture.

You'll probably get a lot of surprises when you return home. I hope they are all good surprises.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Guru, your golden tiara looked so very healthy.... It has been VERY warm here and has stopped raining - I bet everything will have grown a foot since you left. I get a feeling that you're missing Hardwick Hall.

Janet, I can understand your husband not wanting to drive that distance - especially in the winter when we can have some nasty roads.

Delaware, OH

i am sure jungle city when i return! hope more positive surprises than negative. clems are being deep watered so will have no dehydration issues!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

We are getting hit with a massive thunderstorm coming in over the lake. I'm just praying for no damage to the garden.

Well I had some extra spending money from a side job, so what did I do, but go purchase some new Clems for me from the sale at SSV. Deborah, I told Debbie that is was all your fault.....LOL

I purchased:

Savannah 'Evipo015'

She said they are being shipped out next Monday. I'll be planting them in very large planters as I'm not sure yet whether we are staying put or maybe heading back south.


Delaware, OH

janet you are gonna love those. i have dominika that is only in teh ground a year and the first blooms were so lovely. it is vigorous and i think it is going to be one of those top 10 kind of clems from what i see so far.
pagoda is going to be good to,mine is still young too but i know that it is a very popular clem in the UK and worldwide and a "must" for a good collection.
janet rooguchi from ssv should be a good plant, i know when liner rooguchi goes in it can have trouble in the first winter (have killed two myself years ago) so maybe give it a protected location, but you are starting with a bigger root so i am sure it will thrive. people rave over this clem. i do have another one in the ground now......we can compare notes next year!

back in the garden late tonight......let's dig!

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I keep looking at Pagoda - its adorable. It has just been so warm that the thought of digging more holes makes me ill. But - maybe next year I can start earlier. My biggest problem is that I've been digging out from 2 years of neglect when I wasn't able to garden and I still don't have all the beds clean.

Bet those will really bring you joy.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Deborah: I'm so excited about these. DH was so sweet to say get them. Nothing like new plants and Clems at that, to help with lifting your spirits.


layer and layer with newspapers over the weeds then cover with leaf humus. That is what I do and it sure saves on the back not to mention it adds the air that is needed in the dirt for good drainage.

How did you fair during last nights storms? Hope you came through with nothing going wrong.

There was a lightening strike in our back woods, but no fire thank goodness. Last year we lost part of a tree to the high winds that came through.


W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

No damage except a couple of perenials flattened to the ground. They got a hair cut this morning. The storm was awesome - I sat part of it out on the back patio that is covered....husband thinks I'm a little weird, but I enjoy storms. We had some wind, but I don't think as much as you got.

I have done a little of the newspapers and mulch. A lot of my weeds are trumpet vine and wild buttercup and I'm working on them with roundup and digging. Just seems to take forever.

(Zone 4a)

I find that yellow clematis look more like weeds to me...JMO of course. Not saying they aren't gorgeous in the right setting but the blooms are so small and to me they look weedish! LOL......Guru yours is pretty though but I know that is after years of caring for one.

Delaware, OH

they are different. i love them, but you need space for them.
this one is called intricata, harry smith. it is a species found in the wild in the 1920's.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Very nice! I have grown to love yellow in the garden...but I do understand that association with weeds! How big does Harry Smith get?

Delaware, OH

harry smith is big. it is hard pruned and comes back nicely, growing to about 6 feet in height with a nice wingspan of say 4 feet. it is rarely seen, and an easy clem to grow. do not understand why not in more circulation.

Schoolcraft, MI

What or who is "SSV" in relation to clematis?

Delaware, OH (silver star vinery), yacolt WA
best clem plants in the USA

see photos of their gardens just posted of my trip there. deb fisher is the consumate expert and ansers customers questions by e mail to ssv.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

SSV only the mostest greatest place to purchase your clems. I just purchased four from her this year and they are incredible. I love my new ones and not to mention that Debbie is so great with customer service. She is very informative and will help with questions.


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