questions about clemati

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Okay here you go... I have a roguchii clematis I move from part shade to almost all shade it was doing great. But after I moved it, it looks "wilty". Did I do something wrong.??? I love this clematis and want it to be happy in its new home. The flowers look really small and not as blue as they should be. Is it going to die? The vine is turning a lottle yellow at the base. What can I do to remedy? Another question. I have three cleatis on one trellis only one is the type you prune all the way back in the early spring. would it hurt if I prune all three back at the same time. I love the combination. One pink one white. The purple one is open right now. The purple on is the one that you prune in the spring it only blossoms on new wood. The other two are early spring.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

If the other two are the types that bloom on old wood then you will not get much flowering if you prune it down in the spring.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

How long before I would? I do love them and would really miss the flowers for one year? Well we'll see maybe I can figure out the new wood one. Maybe I should go out and mark it now with some ribbon or something and use the guide for pruning in the spring. Does that sound good? Maybe I just helped myself!!! LOL. Ronna

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Mark it now!

If it an A type you would have to wait a year for blooms. If it is B type you should get late blooms as it blooms both old and new wood.

Delaware, OH

welcome to the forum gardenlady.....always good to watch what happens and take action next year.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is my purplee clematis not a really great picture of it, but it sure is beautiful.... This is the most flowers I have ever had one this plant!!! Love it. Its really kinda funny... Every year we make the trellis higher! I have to cut it down to the ground in the spring. So I am going to mark it tommorrow hopefully. Thanks I love all my cleatises! Ronna

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Delaware, OH

pretty! just beams with health and love.

Cary, NC(Zone 7b)

On your first post about moving the clematis, I'd say it probably is not getting enough sun. How long has it been since you moved it?

Plants can go through a shock after being transplanted, especially if the conditions in the new spot are different. If it looks as though it's dying and has been in it's new spot six weeks or so, in order to save it, I'd probably move it to a more sun filled area and mulch the roots a couple of inches.

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 12:26 PM

Delaware, OH

when you moved it , it would need to be pruned back also for best establishment. yellowing leaves are usually a sign of overwatering, but not always. if drainage is poor or different than the other place you had the clem there will be an adjustment period as the plant learns how to regulate hydration in the new hole.

if you moved it without pruning it back a bit, do so now. too much to expect the plant to flower just after moving. give it a break and let it settle in for years of blooming.....

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

The conditions are different I never thought of it before I moved it. It is much shadier. These clematis are for full shade also. Maybe I will find a better spot for this poor baby. The flowers look al wilty and kinda sad. The others are doing just fine and dandy. Thanks I was thinking I would have to move it back to where it was. But didn't want to shock it again. But I should trim it way back huh? Okay will do. Thanks for the info. Ronna

Delaware, OH

it should be pruned back significantly when moved.

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Today I was looking at really good and it seems to be doing some better. Maybe it will be fine. Will have to keep aneye on it though. thanks again, Ronna

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