Clematis ID Please!!!

Newton, MA

Hi kind people,

was hoping you could ID this and help me figure out what we actually got. The tag in the plant says Clematis triternata "Rubromarginata" Im pretty sure its a Jackmanni because I see a ton of flower pods and it has just climbed like crazy. One of the flowers started to open today so I took a shot of one. What do you think it is. Thanks in advance!


Thumbnail by jep2075
Delaware, OH

well it is not a rubromarginata for sure! where did you buy it?

did you buy it somewhere that sells a lot of jackmanii? are other jackamii's flowering in your area?

i am sure you will be able to positively ID it as it opens up, but you may have already hit the nail on the head.

Newton, MA


Thank you for your response, I'm pretty sure its a jack, I'm very new to the whole clematis thing and I understand the basics thus far, but the one thing I remember reading about Jack is that it is an incredibly vigorous climber. And that is a total understatement! This thing just took off right after I put it in the ground! So I had a gut feeling before I noticed the flowers yesterday. I've seen some photos here and there on Jacks and it was like a total explosion of color!

I purchased it at Home Depot, because it looked so cool and unusual on the tag which I still have right in front of me! The funny thing is that I wanted a Jack anyway, so I'm not too miffed about it, but I got what I thought was the Rubro because it was a late summer/fall bloomer according to the tag.

It was a definite tag switch because there a bunch of Jacks right there with it! So its no big surprise. I bet I can get HD to give me a credit or something, I still have the tag and receipt.... hmmmm.

Have you seen or have a Rubromarginata up close in bloom? Is it really that unique and beautiful and worth pursuing?

Thanks again!


Delaware, OH

rubro is def worth pursing. a unique and vigorous clem. would look great with a jackmanii. it blends with anything. very underutlized, foolproof and great in the garden.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

here it is with ville de lyon

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

I love that photo CG. How do you keep it supported?

Delaware, OH

keep the rubro supported? i have it go to a flat trellis that is at the rear of an arch. so it goes from the bottom to the trellis and then to the sides of the arch. it does cling sometimes , even tho i have read rubro is completely non clinging. it does wrap a bit and secure itself with just a little placement of the initial vines each spring.
that ville is really growing up the outside of the rubro and attaches to teh rubro. it is planted to the side of, and about 10 inches forward of the rubro. the less vigorous clems if planted to the front and side of the more vigorous one kind of use that one eventually and it gives that layered look.
this fall or next spring i have some clems i need to move so i can better place them from the trial area to a ,ore visible area and take advantage of their splendor. i had no idea how vigorous and nice negritana and minuet were, among others (even the ssv diversafolias like blue boy and etc) frankly, as i have only been ordering from ssv since last year, their plants and the vigor have helped me re define how long it takes to establish some nice displays. much faster, you save a couple of years of grief, care, waiting, disappointment when you start with a larger plant.
i actually read about ssv on the forum here and now that some of their plants have been in for over a year, the start up difference is amazing to any i have ever grown. so thanks for dg forum for that among other things!

Appleton, WI

My days of buying liners is over. While I got some nice plants locally, they weren't nearly as rooted as what I've seen in photos of SSV's roots.

I'm trying to figure out if I can fit rubro in a certain spot. Do you have a good idea how much space it needs?

Newton, MA


Now I'm angry... It is spectacular and just what I wanted:) But thats what you get when you go to HD! a big mess most of the time. Well now that is my next venture... to find a Rubro, they really can go with just about anything, so beautiful! Thank you very much for the photos I very much appreciate them. we had a new arrival and it appears the tag disappeared before they got home from the nursery.. not HD) its still potted and has one small pink bloom on it. any idea what it is so I can do my research and do the right thing with it?

Thumbnail by jep2075
Appleton, WI

Looks like Comtesse de Bouchaud

Newton, MA

Thanks JJ!!!

Went back to the car and found the tag had fallen out on the floor!
Indeed it is Comtesse de Bouchaud... la!


Appleton, WI

You're welcome.

CdB is a beautiful clematis.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This does not look anything like DGs Rubromarginata of course but I planted this late June 08 I think and this is what it was doing about 6 weeks later By Sept. it was thick and loaded with bloom.
It is planted at the base of the post and I have wire wrapped loosely around the post and start it off by slipping shoots under the wire. I plan to put another one wth it next year to provide additional support. There are 3 posts on this little 'pergola' and the other 2 have 2 peonies on them

I think I will have to try a Jackmanii against the house next year - I have killed a couple in the past but they may have been too exposed.

This message was edited Jun 23, 2009 6:23 PM

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Appleton, WI

Thanks for you imput.

That's a lot of growth in six weeks. Very impressive.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

here's my jack. started blooming the other day, and yesterday it went nuts!

Thumbnail by smileymom343
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Thats beautiful. Is that just one plant?


Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks. It's actually 2 jackmanii (far left one is hidden in the picture by the lily) with a Miss Bateman in the middle. Clematis Guru gave me some tips for getting it to bloom further down the vines. I'm excited, can't wait to try.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Yep - I can see that now. So many buds - you'll be enjoying that for a long time yet.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Very pretty. I have had one for about six years and I love it. Paired up with Red Cascade.

Thumbnail by bananna18
(Zone 4a)

Hmmm my J never came back after having been in the ground 4 years...glad to see some are having success!

Delaware, OH

dawn, fertlize it again. jack is fussy for me, and of course magnificant usually. it is probably deeper than it used to be from your composting, i bet it will wake up.

Appleton, WI

Fancyvan. Jack is fussy for me too. Maybe it's marginally hardy in your zone? Etoile Violette, although darker than Jack, is an option. It is very hardy and a 3 year old plant will produce hundreds of blooms and be full and lush.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

This gives me hope that my other clems will do well!

Delaware, OH

jack very hardy here, but fussy in first several years. used to wilt back every year, but once up to age 4 and 5 gives a consistent performance every year.

Santa Fe, NM

I love my jackmani and thought it had died over a harsh winter the year before last. But it came back stronger and wider this year. At one time it climbed to the roof.

Thumbnail by roybird

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