CLOSED: for SASE: matilija poppy and gladiolus tristis

Irvine, CA

Hey, I have seeds from fall I think of matilija poppy. Its a very interesting CA native that gets huge and has massive floppy flowers. Its also hard to grow from seeds, be prepared!

I also have seeds of a very beautiful gladiolus tristis which bloomed this year for the first time and seeded. Its a S. African native bulb, and looks very different than hybridized varieties. Growing from seed will take awhile no doubt, probably a few years until flowering.

Dmail back if you would like seeds of either. Both of these grow in full sun. I will consider trades but would rather SASE - a self addressed stamped envelope within a regular envelope mailed to me. ---Marissa

Hi Marissa

How pretty! You have dmail.


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would love some and those CA poppies did not come up for me, would like to try again. Dmail coming.

Irvine, CA

hello, the fellow people that responded. If when you send your envelope, you can include a something to put the seeds in, like a mini plastic envelope, that would help me. I'm going to run out of those soon but I am fine on seed.

Hi Marzissa

Oops! I've already sent my envelope. I'm sorry I didn't think of the small envelope. That's what happens when you're a newbie I guess. I'm getting educated in so many ways on this site. It's great. I plan on ordering some small glassine envies. Can I send you some?


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

i love glassine envies. I started using folding papers for some of the seeds that clings to the plastics - like zinnia seeds.

Hi LiliMerci

I ordered some seeds from Thailand and they were folded in plain white paper in the most intricate and efficient way. Very tidy and secure. I guess they would last longer in glassine don't you? Kinda new to seeds. :)

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

They would be fine in folded papers. You'll be surprise how long seeds are good for. It just depends on the seeds. I read on a thread that someone found some seeds from his childhood, in a box frame or something and germinated them and they were fine! How cool is that!

Oh, there was a thread that showed a cool way to fold papers for seeds. If I find the thread, I will post the link...

That'll be great. The free seeds for newbie's threat would love it. Lots of new folks that haven't traded before.

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