raised bed

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi all,
wanna see my raised bed? I made it out of an old water-bed frame.
That is one seed pkg. of Big Boy hybrid tomatoes. I think i counted 21
plants. I hope to have plenty of tomatoes sometime in August. They don't even have flowers yet. I told my room-mate to
"get your baskets ready"!
In the back of the bed is the "walking onions" that I got at the Spring RU 07',
I think from Tetley tuna, not sure. I finally was able to plant them. I know they overwinter fine,
in a pot even, they came back every year. They'd be walking if they were in a real garden I can tell.
Those are the seeds on the top aren't they? I'll be sure to cut those off for planting later.
How does one know when underground stuff like onions and potatoes are ready to be picked?
In the front I buried one potato and it has sent up sprouts like crazy!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here's the other one -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

The walking onions -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is the seed pkg. lol -

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oops, wrong thread for that post up there that says "the other one" thats the other Elephant Ear sprout.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Looks great Will!! And I was wondering about onions and potatoes too. I got a bunch of onion sets from work and planted them about a week or 2 ago. Then there are volunteer potatoes and the potatoes in a bin which the stems are broken on now. Grrr.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Pepper! I planted 6 Yukon Gold potatoes in the bed yesterday. I wonder if store bought onions can be planted like store bought potatoes?
In that top photo the single potato that is sending up all the sprouts can be seen in the lower left of the photo.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know if store bought onions can be planted or not. Buy one and give it a try.

Sedalia, MO

You can tell aboute potatoes by the tops, when they are full bloom there are new potatoes on them, when the tops start to die, turn brown the potatoes are ready.
Onions you can see as they push to thetop.
You can plant store onions also.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

So with the onions when you see the actual onion itself coming out of the ground it is ready?

Sedalia, MO

Better information, when the tops start to fall over, take a rake and finish breaking over any that is still standing, When all the tops are dead, pull the onions and dry for storage. So when tops are dead onions are ready.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, I will look for dead foilage. LOL. And on potatoes, they are usually ready in the fall right?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thats great to know that information. Hi Pepper, it sounds like about Fall or early Fall to me. I have 7 potato plants planted and some onion plants growing too, now I have an idea when to get them! It sounds like basically when the above part has turned brown and is all crispy and everything thats when to get the vegetables. I just hope when I dig them up the onions and potatoes aren't all nasty too! Just kidding! I bet they turn out fine and will be nice on the dinner table!
On my tomatoes I thot I should get some variety, so 2 days ago I got 8 more plants for $1.50. They appear to be about half dead but I'm pretty sure they'll be okay now, only time will tell I guess. They grew them in the little black plastic seed starters, you know the ones that are about 1 inch by 1 inch deep. When I re-potted them they looked all root bound and cramped, no wonder they were so cheap, they were almost dead! I got 4 'Roma' and 4 'Rutgers' to go with my 21 or so 'Big Boy' plants that I already have. Geez, this raised bed I made is gonna grow a lot of stuff! My great uncle says I'm gonna have a lot of tomatoes, which is fine with me!
Now I've got to bury a couple onions out there!
Thanks Allysgram. : )

Sedalia, MO

Well pepper potatoes are close to fall, but look for the tops to turn brown.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, allysgram!!

Will, you are gonna have more tomatoes than you know what to do with.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Tomatoes are good, I love tomatoes, my Dad used to eat them like apples, with salt. I like them more like a BLT, with other stuff. I'm not a big fan of eating tomatoes by themselves. I just hope they decide to appear someday! I'm still waiting for even one little green one.
I guess the plants have to be strong and sturdy to support the 'Big Boy's, it appears to be quite a large tomato. The plants are getting quite large, I'd guess some of the plants are near 3 feet tall. They've flowered a little, you know the little yellow flowers, which I think is first, then tomatoes start coming in, but I'm still waiting. I planted these seeds April 19th.!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

They should start putting on here soon. I just do plants from a store. My Beefsteaks are turning finally and I have a bunch other tomatoes forming. The one I want to try the most is a new one I got at work called Mountain Pride. But it's just now coming out ot it's slump and starting to put out new growth.

Oh, and just FYI, you can stick a piece of a tomato plant in the ground and it will put on new roots and grow. :~)

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I hope its soon, I'm getting anxious!
Thats good to know about growing cuttings of the tomato, I'll remember that.

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