Hardly 'Hagley Hybrid' as the label states

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Both photos in this collage are of the exact same plant taken on June 8th, a cloudy morning. I know it's not 'Hagley Hybrid' but have no idea of what it might be. It's about 5" across and just finished blooming. Any help with identification would be appreciated.

Thumbnail by pirl
Delaware, OH

it is clematis proteus which frequently blooms double and single or semi double at the same time. the later blooms will be all single. if you want to see a beautiful photo of a mature proteus , go on the silver star vinery website and look up the proteus vine. there is an amazing one , about 12 feet tall or bigger with thousands of blooms. never seen anything like it.

very nice blooms on yours. it may put out some single booms now or later this summer. if it is truly finished blooming, deadhead and fertilize and you will get the late single ones for sure. mine usually puts out a doubles and then start putting out singles and blooms single with a lot of blooms for a month or two before pooping out.

nice clem. very necessary in every clem garden!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you. I'll go check out the photo as you suggested.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Amazing size on Proteus!

Here's the link: http://www.silverstarvinery.com/vines.asp?letter=P

Delaware, OH

isn't it just beyond comprehension? love it!

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Also nice to see our friend, Debbie!

Delaware, OH

you betcha. the best plants in the USA and from what i have heard, worldwide. we actually get better plants here than many in europe.
the roots are amazing and an affordable luxury due to the time on not growing the little liners and the failure rate and the potting and potting and moving.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Wow, that is a very large clem. Pirl, I'm sure in your care, yours will get just as large!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Louise. For all I know it's floating out to sea now. We've had an enormous amount of rain today.

Delaware, OH

pirl, after any heavy rain i usually use bayer 3 in one on any areas that might be prone to powdery mildew, also helps with after downpour insects. i spray it on the ground and ground covers around the clems vs on the clems themselves.....not a suggestion just an fyi on what i do after a big sodden downpour and swamped gardens.
also apply snail and earwig bait in prone areas after a storm if you use it as they are more prone to infestation after al the rains....
powdery mildew is rampant after storms in the humid heat and insects come to the surface and anything you can do helps prevent....
we had a big rain last thursday morning and also tuesday night this week , and more may be coming......post rain prevention has helped me a lot....good luck. hard on blooms and the spirit in know!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Between the deer, rabbits, slugs and earwigs I feel like I'm sprinkling dollars when I use Repels All, Deer Scram, Blood Meal, Bug Geta Plus, etc.

Delaware, OH

yep , know what you mean....and i think these things have gotten pricier, don't you?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes. Right now we're at about $50.00 a week just for a few controls.

Delaware, OH

i am afraid to add up any garden costs. ever.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm expecting a cyber smack, but I haven't had to use anything this year. Rabbits did take down the crocus, otherwise everthing else is untouched. Let's not discuss the waterlogged plants though!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I never add up the costs of plant purchases. That's a sin I can't deal with and for all the pleasure we gardeners get from our plants I'd say "priceless" applies.

Delaware, OH

i'm with you. and priceless is right.

i have had bunnies eating on some impatiens i put out..first annuals i have done in years. bunnies or deer never bother clems here or my shrubs....knock wood. i know in some areas they do.

just precentative 3 in one for powdery mildew and spider mites and bug getta for snail earwig control...of ocoursenot even going to think of fertilizer cost, and mulch for some shrub beds, manure, posy power, pea gravel, oyster shell........priceless!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

When family, friends and guests ooh and aah at the gardens it's one thing but when we stand there stunned by the beauty then there is no doubt that it's worth every cent.

Delaware, OH

for sure.

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