Need help with reasons to appreciate this endless rain

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

This gloom and cool weather is getting to me. I need sun and warmth. Is there anything good about this constant rain that is supposed to continue until next Thursday?

I am waiting for my garden to wash down the street!

Could be worse - Noah's Ark.

East Bridgewater, MA

The only one I can think of is saving money on air conditioning!

My sun-loving annuals are stunted and sulking from endless cloudy/rainy days.

The shade-loving plants are fine; glad I went with more impatiens and coleus this spring.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

When we finally get the sun, you'll appreciate it more.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Well at least everything is poised and ready to go gangbusters if the sun ever does shine again.

Oh and my hydrangea are very happy this year.

If it was that bad and Noah's Ark arrived - we would all have to go to the chicken forum as all we would have is animals!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Just as long as we don't let the slugs and Japanese Beatles on two by two.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

We don't have to water the garden! That saves on the water bill.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

True lower waterbills but my poor Annabelle blooms were in the dirt :(

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

It's really getting to me, too. Most of my annuals are shade ones, and even they aren't happy. Everything just seems moldy and waterlogged. I hope all the stuff I have in containers will be ok. I think I've only watered a couple of times this season, so that is one good thing. And the slugs, oh dear god, the slugs.....

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

.....see my slug battle thread I feel your pain.

All my herbs are in containers and the cilantro is a mess. The Tai Basil is yucky........This stinks

I depend on the herbs to carry me through the winter.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Rain, oh rain, please go away,
Desist, cessate, arrest, belay!
My plants face damp despoliation
If we get more precipitation!

East Bridgewater, MA

Did any of the long-range weather predictors get this pattern right?

If they did I would like to shoot them! :-)

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Well besides making me depressed and in a funk, the silver lining to this one is that all of my Hosta grew like weeds this year, even the more finicky ones (Tattoo put on 3 extra eyes, made it through the winter, and is looking awesome!). So, there is that. The roses, the poor poor roses...the peonies...if the peonies weren't held up by one of their the mud they went. With the start of this weather, way back in March (I think it was March) we had 3-4 days in the 80's-90's....and everything broke dormancy extra of my hostas are blooming NOW...which is crazy, and some of my daylilies started to bloom IN THE foliage...which looks really funny.

The one thing that sure seems to be thriving are weeds. I feel like going out, and spraying everything with RoundUp and starting over :-(
But, like everyone is saying, once the sun does finally show itself, everything should be glorious!

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

Don't you mean "if" the sun finally shows itself???

Yeah, neighborhood peonies look awful. I don't get why that plant hasn't evolved to the point where it can support it's own wet flowers without the need of staking!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I wish falling was my only peoney concern. My big beautiful blossoms that I staked rotted in no time. It was like "wait till next year"

I'm not so tolerant of this Spring as some of you. I have demanded a refund.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Fitting poem Don. Dave let me know how that refund worked out. Do you think Mom Nature has a TARP program?

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Well I got some annuals in between raindrops today. Have two parties this weekend and it will rain for both. At least I can enjoy myself at the parties instead of cursing the events for ruining a good gardening day.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

"...The only one I can think of is saving money on air conditioning!..."

Yeah, but I'm still putting on the furnace! Too darn cold to take a shower in the morning without it...

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)


My ladies' mantle: drowned
My David Austin roses: balled and beaten down
My peonies: draggin' in the grass
My underplanted thyme and nepeta: splayed
My tomatoes: already have yellowy spotted looking lower leaves (that I've cut off but still)
My delphinium: don't ask
My cukes: swimming under water
My squash: just sitting there, stunned
My sugar snaps: huge, filled w/ water and tasteless

And, after 4 years of coddling because I'm a natural born clematis killer, my clematis florida finally threw me a bloom: and it looks like wet Kleenex!



Thumbnail by daisygrrl

GOOD GRIEF and I thought I was bad! I have said "this is the last time for the veggie garden"!

Long Branch, NJ(Zone 7a)

Well, for sure there's going to be no drought, water reservoirs will be to their capacity, and there's going to be no water restriction this season.

That's an angry looking Pug - Daisygrrl! My 'Gremlins' are sooo missing the yard.

Thumbnail by Tex68
Greensboro, AL

We had the rain. Now we have heat. Heat index 105 F today. tomorrow. the next day. All next week.

All that grew because of the rain is fried.

The dogs wont go out. They are depressed. Emmagreyhound wants to sleep the whole day under the bed. Henry the rabbit is threatening to check out. He is about 12 already, but he does not like the heat. He spends his days cuddled up to 2 L bottles of ice.

The projection is that this will go on all summer.

Please NE enjoy the rain while you have it.

Hey y'all.


South Hamilton, MA

Water ban sign has been up since June 1--clouds can't read.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Yes you should check into the gardener;s TARP!
Amounts of

This message was edited Jun 21, 2009 5:45 PM

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)

tex68 love them litle pugs of yours

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

makes weeding easier

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

All this rain will help us appreciate the sun more, and the warmth too.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It's helping with the leak in my pool.

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