Mimosa tree

Summerville, SC

Do mimosa tree branches hanging over a roof rot the singles?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How close to the roof are the branches. I mean are they actually touching the roof? Mimosa leaves are pretty light and feathery but any tree that shades the roof to the point where moisture can't evaporate could cause damage to the shingles.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Do mimosa shed a lot? You don't want piles of leaves on the roof. My dad always said, if a branch brushes the roof, it needs to go.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

no the only thinkg that they shed a lot is the flowers and possibly the seedpods. the leaves have never made any mess for me since their leaves dissintigrate into tiny pieces when they drop. however, i dont know what they would be like on a roof

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