vinca minor for Amazon gift certificate

Naples, FL

I've just bought a house with a yard that needs much work--poor grass, wilted plants, etc (and I'm in my 80's!) I want to plant vinca minor groundcover and Confederate jasmine to screen an ugly fence (and I plan to be around to see it). If you have either of these and could use a $25 Amazon gift certificate, please e-mail me with details. Thanks much...audbender

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

HAHA! You MUST have been spying on my garden!!!!! I have this

Galien, MI

Did you ever get your vinca minor? I have a ton of it that needs dividing anyway.

Thumbnail by beakerlj
Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Had I read this before I left CA, I could have sent you a truckload, FREE!

Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

I have Vinca minor ( periwinkle ) Bowes variety, an unnamed blue, and a magenta variety I can give it in dozen quantities. Are you still interested?

Galien, MI

Last I heard, this gardener's plans may have changed, and they may not have been needed. She said she would update if this was wanted again. Hope that helps.

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