Greenhouse dreams

Buffalo, NY

Hello everyone
I'm new to DG. what a great find. Great people, Great info here. Upon my travels I stopped in a at nusery auction. I wound up buying about 400' feet of green house (hoophouse). I'm not even sure why. Just don't like to be outbid I guess (LOL). Now I'm having all these crazy dreams about starting lots of Flowers and veggie seedlings and selling them at a local farmers market. I don't have any experiance doing this other than growing for my own garden. Is this too much for a beginer to take on? Has anyone had any experiance getting into this field? Any advice is good advice. where should I begin?


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Welcome, this is a wonderful learning place where you will make many new on line friends.

I don't have a lot of knowledge to share other than our garden club is about to take on a hoop greenhouse too.

The best advice (and only at this point) is to not over extend yourself. Start out small to get your feet wet and learn what does/doesn't work then increase each year. Be patient and your rewards will be great.


Buffalo, NY

Thanks Janet
That's pretty much my plan . just starting at the minimum level get some exposure and learn as much as can. then move forward with what I think I can handle.
I've been going out to the farmers markets to see what they are selling and not selling. Trying to find a niche for myself.
So far they seem pretty tight lipped about how to go about things. Maybe I just havnt talked to the right people yet. I'm glad I found DG! I found some great threads on getting started with farmers markets and nurseries here. I can't belive how helpful and pleasant people are here. Iv'e been on other gardening/growers sites where nobody like to discuss anything with newbies (LOL)
I guess the best place to start is to get and application for some of these farmer's markets and see what they require...


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Good start as well as go through the threads that are dealing with greenhouse set ups, there are many good ones. If you haven't found them by the end of the day then I've got them book marked and will come back and post links for you.

These folks are growing and selling and will be a great resource for you.


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, I wish I had room for 400' of greenhouse.My Ca lot is only 300 X180 and thats big for CA. lol I have a 8.5X24 rion greenhouse and let me tell you it is no where big enough. Be sure and post pictures.

Buffalo, NY

I better Just Clarify be for I give the wrong impression here :) I bought 400' of hoophouse. I'm only able to use about 60' of it though. The rest can be stored away for future use or I'll sell some of it off. Maybe trade it for other things. Not sure yet.
I'm defenitly just a small time grower (LOL)
I've found many great threads on DG This pace it truely amazing!
Kind of wanted to hear some off the pitfalls. Maybe even some horror stories, Ha ha...
Maybe find out what not to do as well


This message was edited Jun 18, 2009 10:13 AM

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


First "What Not To Do"

Don't plant more than YOU yourself can handle (or are willing to commit the time to). LOL


ps if you do decide to sell off any please contact me, as I'm interested.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Welcome to our crazy world of experments. I got my green house last October for my Bday.I had propane heat put in it . Had not closed up the cracks in the fiber glass I should have. Went thru 250 gal of gas in 6 days. Am I stupid but I learned. and soon I will post my pictures as I got a new putter at home.

I love mine and will be ready this winter. Its 11 .6 by 11.6 and I know its way to small. If you go down the page to I have 2 problems you can really laugh at me.


This message was edited Jun 18, 2009 5:28 PM

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