Dutchmans pipe Aristolochia elegans and the grandiflora

Venice, FL

Help! I have recently been made aware of this fab plant and would like to incorporate it into my garden. I have noticed some are burgandy in color other are red others are almost black ! I found an elegans on line in Texas thats black is my favorite but I also noticed another elegans burgandy on line. The same goes for a grandiflora in bright red and white as compared to a burgandy and white. How do I make sure I get what I like in color if the name does not specify the color or am I mistaken? Help educate me!

(Zone 1)

I don't know much about Aristolochia elegans and googled for ones with dark brown/black bloom color. These are the only ones I found:

A. elegans: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/942/ says the bloom color is either green or maroon/purple brown in color. Maybe there is a cultivar with a dark bloom?

This cultivar also says the blooms are maroon/purple brown: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/107970/

This one also states bloom color of maroon/purple brown: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/56483/

If you are ordering from an online vendor, there should be a phone listing somewhere on the site. Maybe you can call the company to inquire exactly what they have, and specify you want one with very dark almost black flowers.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Mine has burgundy and brown blooms.

Venice, FL

Thank you for the response! I get it. Every plant is is unique to itself. I will request what my preference are and hope I get them, if not, I'm sure I'll enjoy The Dutchman's Pipe like everyone else I've spoken to! Thank You Again

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

If your ordering from zone9, let me know..I'll hand pick it for you...if your not..then nevermind!?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

I am wondering if the color differences that you see are differences in the camera used to photograph the flowers.

Venice, FL

I will soon find out but I have seen a few variations already ! I don't think I could ever be disapointed they are such a special plant. I have already ordered the plant . I am putting a garden together for the first time for fun. Flowers, color,scent and not just for food. I am having a blast and living in a zone 9 is great. Very small yard as compared to cows and fields.

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