stupid chinese elms!!!!!

Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

they grow all over this neighborhood-we have 2 in the backyard that i want gone.i already got rid of the 4 small (15 ft) silver maples :)anyway these elms put out more baby'e then those darn maples.they are all over.they are in my rock edging around the house-those i think i can get rid of with round up,but the ones in my new shrub and tree garden i dont know what to do.they are in my mulch.can i spray round up by my plants without killing them?or should i mix up the mulch on a hot day?any other ideas?with the neighboors elms though i will have this problem ever year :(
the pick is from last alot more full now.

Thumbnail by queenbeez
Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

bad pick the 2 elms with the maples we cut down in the middle-got rid of the brush today,sorry birds.

Thumbnail by queenbeez
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you're trying to use Roundup near other plants, the best thing to do is paint it on vs spraying, that way you know it's only going on the plants you want to kill. If enough of it gets on the leaves of your other plants it'll kill them. You can also put on a pair of rubber gloves, then over top of them put on some sort of fabric/knitted gloves, dip the fingers in Roundup and then "pet" the plants you don't want.

Brooklyn Park, MN(Zone 4a)

that would take for ever there are probaly a million of them.this garden is a triangular shape 68ft by 37ft and about 28ft wide pretty big i think.i did use the weed barrier fabric but i don't think it will work against these guys.

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