Fotinia problem

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Hola, I had a 7 year old Fotinia die of some disease that I could not control. And two years later I planted another one in the same spot and now it is covered with a disease. Does anyone know what the disease is and how to treat it? Is it treatable? Should I dig up the Fotinia? I certainly will not plant another Fotinia there. Should I treat the soil in some fashion? It is so bothersome as all I wanted to do was grow it large and prune the bottom in order to cast shade on one of my Hosta beds. arrrrrg!!!! Thanks, Xuling

Thumbnail by xuling
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There is a leaf spot disease that is a huge problem with Photinias in the south--it's not a major issue in northern California although I'm sure it could pop up from time to time. It's bad enough in the south that they recommend against people planting them at all. Since you seem to have issues with it I would plant something else besides a Photinia there...or at least consider a different Photinia species. P. x fraseri is the one that's most susceptible to the leaf spot disease (and is the one that's most commonly sold in nurseries, so chances are that's what yours is). Photinia serrulata is supposed to not be nearly as susceptible so if you really want a Photinia you could try that, but otherwise I'd try a different type of shrub. Frequently things in the same family will be susceptible to similar diseases, so if you want to be as safe as possible, I'd plant something that's not in the rose (Rosaceae) family.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Redtip Photinia is very suseptible to black spot fungus- I would get rid of it.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

well then out it goes. any ideas for a large growing shrub that will create a canopy to give my Hostas sumer shade? or a smaller tree? i will go to the Tree Farm nearby and talk to them, but thought you might have some ideas. Thanks.

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