Old Clematis Lost Tag Help with ID/Prune

Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

This is one of two of my clematis that I planted years ago. We have been here 15 years and the tag has long been lost. I let my yard get away from me for a few years and now I am trying to get back in the groove. Can anyone help me ID. I would like to prune it but am afraid. It has already has it's big bloom, but it always seems to have a few blooms all summer. About the time it started its new growth this year I cut it to about 3' so that I could put the trellis behind it. It was growing all over the porch and in the bush. It's still doing all of that but the trellis has helped make it sturdier. This is when it was in full bloom.

Thumbnail by TLAustin
Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

This is a picture of one of the blooms.

Thumbnail by TLAustin
Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

This is a picture of the bloom on the other one. I planted both at the same time. This one is not as big and has smaller blooms. I don't have a picture of the full vine. This one also seems to bloom a little later (not by much) and also blooms all summer.

Thumbnail by TLAustin
Delaware, OH

the purple is haku ooken. the pink may be pink cameo, a cultivar that is no commonly found for sale now but was sold more years ago. it actually just recently got registered so we may see more of it on the market. it is a huge beautiful specimen indeed.

Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you CG. I looked the names up and the haku ooken looks right, but the pink cameo I'm not sure about. Actually my pictures are making the blooms look more pink than they actually are. These blooms also fade with time. I have tried to take another picture, this one is just opening up plus they are getting smaller. Also, everything you see in the first picture is new growth from this year which is what it bloomed on.

Thumbnail by TLAustin
Delaware, OH

pink cameo is not a consistent form. it blooms semi double on the old wood sometimes, then single on the new wood. do you ever get earlier blooms with little extra pieces ? even on the same plant the blooms can look inconsistent, some with 4, some 6 sepals with one key being the gappy positioning of the sepals around the center boss of stamens and anthers.
mine had no old wood this year, i usually prune it if the vines are damaged, it has not bloomed yet, it usually blooms earlier for me....i will post pics when it does. based on when you bought it and the coloration and gaps in the sepal arrangement i think it is a pink cameo, but if you determine otherwise would be interested in knowing.
here is my pink cameo from last year in my garden. thoughts?

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

This is very interesting. I understand what your saying and my blooms do look very much like yours. I really don't remember how the blooms where in past years. This year I cut it back pretty hard so all the blooms where on new wood. Everyone always remarks about how pretty and vigorous it is every year. The blooms are also very large. It doesn't seem to care what is done to it. My husband cut it all the way to the ground one year and it still came back bloomed it's head off. I quess the thing that is throwing me off is the word pink. My pictures look pink, but in real life they look light purple to me. I quess it's just a plant thing or a me thing. HA! HA! This has always been my favorite of the two. I like the blooms on the haku ooken, but it seems to get lost very easily. This one just screams for you to see it.

I have bought 7 more clematis last year that are doing great. Six of them I bought at Walmart when they marked them down to $1 ea. I thought hey for $1.

Delaware, OH

this year one pink cameo did stat to bloom and the bloom was singe, these last year with the extra sepals were because it had some old wood left that i did not prune off in the spring.
if it were lavender with out the faint central bar on the sepals, making it a pale pale bi color i might think some thing else, but it is really a pale bi color right?

Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

The picture I posted with the 4 petals had just opened. It is what I would call a lavender. The bi-color actually comes in when it starts to fade. The inner part doesn't fade as fast as the outer part.

Delaware, OH

sure sounds like a pink cameo in so may ways.

Sale Creek, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much. From what I have read of your posts I fully trust your judgement. My pink cameo has always done sooo good. I just can't imagine what it will do if I actually start to take care of it properly. It won't know what to do with fertilizer and proper trimming. The haku ooken got lost in the daylillies over the years, which I have thinned out. This year it is doing a lot better, it should also love some fertilizer and a proper trim.

The new ones I got last year were marked Nelly Moser, Carnaby, Fireworks, Will Goodwin, Snow Queen, & Proteus. One wasn't marked, but I think it is either carnaby or fireworks. All have had some blooms this year except the proteus. I will try to get pictures to post on this website.

Delaware, OH

thanks for the feedback.
sounds like you are really getting into clems......good selections. would like to see pictures.

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