Mock Orange Question

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

I saved a mock orange shrub 2 years ago. It has made a come back and has lots of new growth but has never bloomed. Could it be lacking something? Any suggestions?

North Augusta, ON

I don't understand why it hasn't bloomed. Mine blooms faithfully and I pretty much ignore it. Are you pruning it? If so then just maybe you're cutting off the growth that would have bloomed...

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

Nope no pruning. I planted it and left it alone. When does yours bloom? We are in the same growing zone.

North Augusta, ON

Mine has buds now...should open in the next week or so. Full sun...but I've seen them bloom in shade too.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Depending on how severely damaged it was before you saved it two years ago, it could be that it's taking a couple years to recover. Just like when you newly plant a shrub it can take a couple years to get going, the same sort of thing could happen if you have a plant that has suffered really badly and needs to recuperate. If it's looking healthy otherwise and it's in a location that's getting enough sun you might give it one more year and see if it blooms for you then.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh it was severely damaged. I wasn't sure it was going to make it. Every branch was removed and it was literally wacked down to a stump. They told me the shrub was around 50 years old when they decided to get rid of it. Looks great now. Nice and full, lots of new growth. Finally starting to get some dimension to the branches, they were scrawny looking until this year. I'm gong to watch it for another year besides it is a nice privacy fence between me and the neighbor. I am just looking forward to some fragrant smelling flowers. BUT it is close to my white birch, maybe not enough sun?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think they're fine with some shade--if it's getting hardly any sun then maybe it needs to be moved but otherwise if it's getting at least a few hours then I'd leave it where it is for now...poor thing's been through enough stress and if you try to transplant it then it'll take a while to get re-established after that.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks a bunch. I will post if I ever see flowers!!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

My mock oranges bloom fine in very shady locations.
Most are in understory situations.
They have pretty much finished blooming for this season, though still a few flowers.
Peak bloom was 2-3 wks ago, I think.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

Understory situations? What does this mean? Sorry.....

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Understory situations? What does this mean? Sorry...

Shrubs growing in shade under larger trees.


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

If this was a fifty year old Philadelphus that was transplanted, then it is recovering roots to support the stem growth you have. You may need to exhibit the same patience that the shrub has displayed with the humans that are tormenting it.

Kidding aside...your mockorange should recover and start flowering again, but the long age of that plant means that it will take more time than a young vigorously growing shrub of the same species.

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