CLOSED: HAVE: fresh bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Madison, WI

If you have a spot to sow fresh bloodroot seeds in, I have enough for 2-3 people.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I would like to get some of these seeds. Will you please have a look at my have list to see if there is something interesting for you on it.

Madison, WI

Seed trading abroad does not work reliably for me. I don't mind sending them to you though if we can figure out how to do SASBE.

Hi Enya

I'd love to have some of your seeds if they are still available. This was my favorite flower as a kid in KY. I have the perfect spot in my woods. Do I send you a SASE? I'll check your list to see if I have any of your wants.



Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Enya, I have a PayPal account. If you have one too I can send you the money for postage and envelop.
Or, if you see something interesting on my have list, I can send you seeds and if they arrive safely, you can send me the
seeds of the bloodroot.
I had more than 100 succesful trades with people in the US. Until now everything arrived on both sides.

Madison, WI

I want to post bloodroot seeds fresh. So let me send you the seeds and you'll reimburse me once they are there. How does this sound? Send me your address.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

It sounds very good. Thanks. I'll d-mail you my address

Madison, WI

I am won't be sowing next year, I will be redoing one large part of the garden and won't have space so just send me SASBE. I am in in the address exchange.

Hi Enya

Thanks so much. The SASBE will go out in tomorrows mail.


Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

If you still have some, I would like to try it. Thank you.


Madison, WI

ants, you are the last one. Send me SASBE, I marked your name.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Thank you enya. I will get that to you ASAP.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Enya,

Just wanted to let you know I sent my envy off today. Thank you.


Madison, WI

Watch out, seeds are on the way!

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Enya,

I will be watching for them. Thank you very much.


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